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Position:Home>Philosophy> About death and consciousness?

Question:I was thinking about death and consciousness... I can't make myself believe in anything supernatural or religious, so bear with me. The fact that after I die, I will cease to exist, and my consciousness - my point of view - will be gone --- drives me insane. I can't handle the prospect of the universe without my point of view, if you know what I mean. I can't handle the idea of my consciousness not being there anymore, ME not being there anymore...The idea is just so cataclysmic and massive, I think I might go insane just trying to comprehend it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was thinking about death and consciousness... I can't make myself believe in anything supernatural or religious, so bear with me. The fact that after I die, I will cease to exist, and my consciousness - my point of view - will be gone --- drives me insane. I can't handle the prospect of the universe without my point of view, if you know what I mean. I can't handle the idea of my consciousness not being there anymore, ME not being there anymore...The idea is just so cataclysmic and massive, I think I might go insane just trying to comprehend it.

I know exactually what you mean. My youngest son died 5 years ago at the age of 21. That totally blew my mind. I have faith. But I am human and this child that I gave life to is not in his body. That drives me nuts at times. And the talk about heaven. I don't believe there will be streets of gold. I want chocolate. if the higher power created something as grand as the universe then how did this happen. From nothing there became something. I felt so overwhelmed I felt like my head might spin.
It is all so ........well there just arn't words to explain the mystery of it all.

Now here is something interesting. I died once. They brought me back. I was bleeding to death.
When I laid down in the ER I heard the nurse say Blood pressure 30/zero. I was a nurse, I knew what was happening. Lots of people entered the room. I lost my ability to hear, then there was a buzz in my ears. My vision narrowed and went black and white. This all in a matter of seconds. I had no fear no pain. Suddenly I was in that white light - It was so amazing- I was awear of myself and I this is the day I die. Wow cool. I am younger than I thought but thats ok. I have lived a good life. I had kids and grandkids. All the while the most amazing sense of peace. No fear, no anxiety, no insecurities, no need, no worry...but the most amazing peace I have ever felt. No drug or any happiness in the earthly life could ever come close to this sort of peace.
If you have ever been in a bad snow storm in the night, the headlights brighten up the snow as it is blowing at the car. That is the only way I can explain it. it was like tiny dimonds on the rays of light.I felt I was moving slowly to the center of the light as it quickly passed me.
Even now, I can't imagine haveing such peace.

I saw my sons two kid's faces and was so proud of them. Then I saw my youngest grandaughter's face and I for a moment felt hesitation about leaving earth. I kept going from the peace and out of it. Being out of it was torture. My eyes were closed. And the pain returned. The panic returned. I kept hearing the doctor say my name and said "come back to us" He kept pleading with me. I was so uncomfortable with not being able to keep myself in the white light, I finally gave in and opened my eyes. OMG Blood all over the Place. My mother in the cornor sobbing. Both arms out on arm boards with IV's in them Doctors and nurses running around.
I knew I wanted to get back to that light. I didn't want the pain and all those human feelings. When I closed my eyes the light was gone. It was black darkness when I closed my eyes. I spent a week in intensive care.

I know what it feels like to die. And I know what it feels like to come back. Still I am not sure of what is out there. I look to the sky & wonder if my son knows the mysteries of the universe.

I shouldn't fear death becasue of how good it was. I didn't go far enough in to the light to know what all was in store for me.

At times I get a panic attack because my son is no longer in his body. That freeks me out.
And someday I will not be in my body and that freeks me out. In some way it might be easier to just transform back to dust and continue the cycle of life. I am not sure how I could deal with eternity. It all is somtimes too much to comprehend.
The more I know, the more I don't know and that perplexes me to distraction at times.

You are not alone in your feelings.

I do believe in things supernatural and religious, so bear with me. This is why God blesses us with children. Treat them well and teach them to ask questions...yours and their own.

Have you ever seen a dead person before? They look different, like an empty shell.

Don't be so full of yourself. Death is like growing up. We all go through it. Pride and ego will sometimes make me so self-centered I forget that we are all in the world together and will all someday die. Our perception of the world is only one perception of many. Humble yourself.

Isn't it weird how some people never think about this stuff while others beat themselves up about it? I really wanted to say, just don't worry about it, that it was a pointless anxiety that would contribute nothing to the fact that for now you are here and alive. Yet, would it be so mysterious if your point of view didn't disappear? Perhaps what you consider yourself to be will vanish, but the essence of you will never cease. Perhaps self-awareness has a longevity we cannot measure.The very spirit that keeps us from going insane might be beyond our comprehension. Perhaps as human beings we're just not meant to know. There is strength in not knowing.

If you can't believe about awakening after passing from the screen of life, you might enjoy "The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis, "Men in White Apparel," Ann Ree Colton, "Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves, "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?", Free and Wilcock, and "The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet.

These people seem to know of what they write.
In fine, the outer waking consciousness ceases, like in going to sleep, and the waking subconscious becomes the dreaming and post-passing conscious.

The more lucid and coherent your waking subconscious, the better the dreams and post-passing awakening: and "The Master of Lucid Dreams," Dr. Olga Kharitidi.

The fact that you are having doubt about your belief tells me that you should re-examine your beliefs. I believe when you are truly honest with yourself that you will find the answer that you seek.

Matter is indestructible, it changes its forms, but it cannot cease to exist. It is only a living organism that faces a constant alternative: the issue of life or death. Life is a process of self-sustaining and self-generated action. If an organism fails in that action, it dies; its chemical elements remain, but its life goes out of existence.

There is much we need to understand about "death."
The first thing to understand is that...We NEVER die. So, when you leave the body that houses your will be very much alive, that is...just in another form. You DO NOT die. Life is EVER-LASTING. So, there should be no fear in you not existing anymore once you leave your body.