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Question:What is a jerk in person terms, not the movement.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What is a jerk in person terms, not the movement.

Noun. An idiot or stupid person. An insensitive, selfish, ignorant, cocky person who is inconsiderate and does stupid things.

"You're such a JERK for leaving me at the mall with no ride home!"

a mean person. i guess.

A jerk is someone like my boyfriend, who shaved my koala bear, ate the rest of my miso soup after licking his toes, and put hair removing cream in my shampoo!


a jerk is someone who does something real selfish and stupid that's what i think.

a very insensitive smart person doing foolish things.

I believe it's short for jerk-off (like a masturbater) and is used as a general insult. Why being a masturbater is used as an insult, who know's.

some one too diffrent that we can't understand
experts are jerks cauz they keep reading every tiny thing about one thing until they finally know a thing about nothing

A person who only thinks and feels for and about them selves .

someone that doesnt treat you right

a cruel ,cold hearted person

A jerk is someone who is, by their opinions or actions an idiot. I think it's short for Jerk Off, which is a colloquial term for masturbating. I think the idea here is that someone who jerks off is a bit stupid and selfish. Just off the top of my brain.

My ex

One a Chinese pen pal I had wanted me to explain the nuances of difference between jerk, aasshole, prick, bastard, and several other similar words. It makes you laugh to sit down and realize that there are differences in meaning -

I think a jerk is someone who is considered clumsily self-serving and inconsiderate of others - not as mean spirited as a prick, nor as lowlife as an aasshole, and probably not powerful enough to be a bastard - he he - who knew.

someone u dislike or u can not stand cause he makes u feel less then anyone/thing, a person who u think does not mind u and will never mind you...