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Position:Home>Philosophy> George Sand says the words below. Do agree or disagree? Why?

Question:"Can one thus resume one's self? Can one know one's self? Is one ever somebody? I don't know anything about it any more. It now seems to me that one changes from day to day and that every few years one becomes a new being."
George Sand (1804-1876)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: "Can one thus resume one's self? Can one know one's self? Is one ever somebody? I don't know anything about it any more. It now seems to me that one changes from day to day and that every few years one becomes a new being."
George Sand (1804-1876)

True. You can only know the way you were, since the very act of knowing yourself changes your understanding of who you are. We all change and grow as we age. The only question is in what direction we choose to change.

It's always so cool to read stuff written so long ago that
is still so relevant. Yes I agree even the cells in our body
are not the same if your not changing you are stagnant :)

It is true if we allow it to happen.

We are the only ones who can stand in the way.

Love and blessings Don