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Position:Home>Philosophy> When does life become an answer to your questions?

Question:In life we search, and then we find something, and when we do find something, we search again to find more, to know more. Along this path, there could be happy times, and then there could also be times of great concerns and longing. I believe we are a happier lot when we feel that we are the answers to our question, but agitated and anguished long as we remain in questioning mode.

Your thoughts and view are greatly appreciated!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: In life we search, and then we find something, and when we do find something, we search again to find more, to know more. Along this path, there could be happy times, and then there could also be times of great concerns and longing. I believe we are a happier lot when we feel that we are the answers to our question, but agitated and anguished long as we remain in questioning mode.

Your thoughts and view are greatly appreciated!

I believe it is when we live our life in a purposeful and thoughtful manner.

The questioning can lead us to a rather agonized feeling, but is necessary for our growth. When we stop seeking a greater or more satisfying answer, we fail to grow.

The day we stop seeking greater knowledge is the day we have given up. Yes, our anguish can be increased while searching, as we often think we have found an answer only to become disillusioned about it later. That is truly painful.

However, the payoff for a found answer is immeasurable, thus we keep seeking.

When we have lived our lives in such a manner that we become the answer to our questions, then we are successful in the journey. And life is just that: a journey.

Imagine taking a rod trip and NOT stopping to see the sights along the way. You'd still get where you are going, but what a boring trip.

Now imagine the same road tip, but you stop to see all the sights along the way. You may get lost and turned around and experience a negative feeling or two. But you'll have experienced so much more than if you had not stopped to see the sights. And you'll still get where you are going.

I choose sight-seeing every time, as in life. This is the way I learn about the world. The analogy holds for life in general.

Thanks for a great question!!

I think half the time *we* are trying to find answers when we don't even know what the questions are!!! Its like seeking "something" yet not knowing what... thinking you will know when you find it. BUT how can you know when you find it if you've no idea what "it" actually is??? Working out what "it" is that you are looking for is half the solution... the other half would be to then find it!

Hi Simply UN! We are the answer to our questions. There is a Power in the Universe for Good and we can use it! It operates through Law, Love and Mind! For every Cause, usually us, there is an effect-what happens in our Life! For every Effect, there is a Cause, us! We can change any condition in Life by Changing our Mind about a Condition! The Law of the Universe works with us to bring this about and it works 24/7 365! Whatever we put into Law by our_Thinking-Speaking and Doing will manifest in our Life! If it is knowledge that you seek-ask and you shall see doors open up to you and the right Teacher will appear when the Student is ready! Hope this will answer your question?

Humans are always wondering from birth and up, I believe we are always in "questioning mode." I don't think we'll ever be through with it.

Quite honestly, I'd have to say never. It is my belief that life itself is a question, and that is what makes it worth living. When we find ourselves confronted with a question that is difficult, it is not the answer we are satisfied with but the conquering of the quest brought about by the question. So, the answer isn't important. What is important is the pursuit of it.

it doesn't

Peace is our confusion allayed. Love is our needs met.
Accrued wealth is our winters fuel. To live is to love.

The elation of discovery, the meeting of minds and merging of hearts. A juncture, a crossroads, and turning point oin our life.A quiet understanding, a peaceful reposed state of being, a sublime silence ...

Our curiosity satisfied. Enquiries answered.

Yes, as long as we are seeking answers about ourselves we feel dissatisfied. And once we know those answers we are happier. But not altogether happy because there are always more unanwered questions cropping up all the time. Looking for an answer but never finding it creates the most anguish.

I would honestly admit that my own life will not answer all my questions in life. There are a few answers that may address my questions. But believe me this is not enough. Our minds are so playful that answers to such questions could be answered form others lives. We don't stick all our answers from our lives since the multi-colored life of every man is different from the other. We are only one against the mob. There are people who lived in this world that had used their capability as a genius with indeed a vast of intelligence. But this is not enough to satisfy the wonders in the greatness of the world.

Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

Come to terms with being in a questioning mode as noboby can know everyhing about anything.
If I learn in order to acquire knowledge, from which I am going to act, that action becomes mechanical. But when I learn without accumulating, (intelligence) which means perceiving, listening without acquiring, then the mind is always free.
A mind that acquires knowledge to function is conditioned by its own knowledge. Knowledge has become all-important for us, but knowledge is never complete( you cannot know everything about anything). Therefore knowledge always lives within the shadow of ignorance. Not all knowledge is accurate or true. To know is to be ignorant, not to know is the beginning of wisdom. Any conclusion or assumption prevents further enquiry. Knowledge is essential to technique, as coal to an engine, but it cannot reach out into the unknown. Addiction to knowledge is like any other addiction, it offers an escape from the fear of emptiness, of loneliness, of frustration, the fear of being nothing.