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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you could change one thing in your life to make it better what would it be?

Question:I would simply be somebody else altogether. at 55 i'm sure that is the only thing that could have changed anything.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I would simply be somebody else altogether. at 55 i'm sure that is the only thing that could have changed anything.

i would have definetly went to college.

enough money to live on that I didn't have to work

My social anxiety. I'd love to throttle the bugger sometimes lol

get a bigger fridge I can only get 48 cans in the one I have

my looks or my brains (in the sense of knowledge)

To 'Take my heart off my sleeve'

very nice question.eeem..i would of tryied to make more friends

I would change the fact that all my friends don't hang out with me anymore, at least the really good ones don't except 3 of them. the rest don't hang out with me at all. I wish they would start hanging out with me again. :'(

lower the cost of alcohol,, it pisses me off paying £2.65 for guinness

More Self Confidence!

i wud of made sure i perservered with my driving until i passed so now i wudnt be struggling to do it now im in my forties
that is the only regret ive got in life

I would have alot of money so that i wouldn't have to work and i would have pretty toes.

I wish I had done an apprenticeship when I left school

more brain power please!

I'd go off the grid.

I would like to be more humble, and I am working on that. My pride always gets in my way.

Good One.There is nothing in my life I would want to change now.I have the best man u cld dream of,d best family,d best education,d IQ,d Confidence,d best academic grade(oh yeah,I wld have change d fact that I read History & International relations instead of finance as my first degree course-thats d one thing I would change.)

to make it a much easier life for myself