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Position:Home>Philosophy> Being emotional is bad for you ? Y/N ?

Question:yes. it can lead you to making poor judgments and decisions you may regret in the end. One should always be rational and let the power of reason rule over emotions.
Be cold-hearted to one so to say, but keep kindness to others deep within.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: yes. it can lead you to making poor judgments and decisions you may regret in the end. One should always be rational and let the power of reason rule over emotions.
Be cold-hearted to one so to say, but keep kindness to others deep within.

depends what you get out of it


I used to think it was bad for you.
Some one told me that without it we would just be robots.
I thought about that.
Seems true enough.

No, it's part of human nature. It's how we express it that can get us into trouble. Sometimes our mind play tricks on us, and we see a situation that looks worse than it really is. Our best bet is to take a breath, and think. Often, when I thought I was in the utmost depths of despair, it was a temporay feeling. In time, things worked out for the better.

No way. I am a woman. A woman without emotions is a man.

no, because you have the power to be compassionate to the needs of others and
yes, because you can show your emotion freely even the bad one (i.e. anger) and sometimes it brings about hurting others in the end...

No. Only if you take it to an extreme.

Yes...... being emotional implies more often than not acting based on emotional spurt..... such actions can put one at best in an embarrassing situation and at worst into major peril... emotions as such are not harmful, often they are either fulfilling or releasing..... what can be bad for us is to convert them into action without first filtering them through proper reasoning.

To be emotional is to be a human being.

"But [to feel is] as vital as breath. And without it -- without love, without anger, without sorrow -- breath is just a clock ticking" (Equilibrium)

Y/N? (An emotionless answer prompt? I think so!)

While being overly emotional isn't always good, being emotional is very good for you. A great tragedy is this idea that men shouldn't cry. That is a terrible thing to take away from someone. Expressing emotions (as long as it's constructive and with love) is a good way to feel better. It is said that crying actually flushes the body of toxins. I'm glad I'm emotional, and I feel bad for those who feel they shouldn't express emotion. They are robbing themselves of a great release.


It can effect your cellular physiology to a detriment sure but that is not necessarily going to happen.

no their good for you soo you can be happy

to be emotional is human ...but emotional blackmailing is bad.

You can't be only emotional or just rational, it is a mix inside of you you get to learn, how to balance between them, with life experience of every day, and events passed by you.
This mix when you learn it gives you the balanced character in your eyes and in the eyes of others