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Position:Home>Philosophy> Lets say nothing is one is perfect...?

Question:what are some of the darkest secrets/lies the goverment system in the US or anyther world do not want u to know

or do u think they are perfect?

please no personal opinion, answer with conviction ty

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what are some of the darkest secrets/lies the goverment system in the US or anyther world do not want u to know

or do u think they are perfect?

please no personal opinion, answer with conviction ty

The main aim of any government is "To keep the people ignorant.

what? what do govt secrets have to do with being perfect?

Oh course we know that our government is not perfect...anyone who would think that is lying to themselves...oh I am sure that the government knows who killed Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, if we really went to the moon...the know all sorts of stuff that they don't tell us.

People are going to have a hard time answering this question. Please rephrase it in your additional details.

What. OK they have succeeded, because I don't know what ever it is they don't want me to know. Gee this is a pretty delusional question don't you think???

i was just wondering why is there a need for decoder,then.
in a perfect world you won't remember some words lik:secret,maybe..
everything it is in its place ,in order

If they're not known or exposed yet, I'm not sure why you expect us to be able to give you an answer about unknown or un-exposed conspiracies...? Whatever we tell you is obviously going to be known, provided it is actually true and not some made up crap, and so we wouldn't actually be answering your question, since again you asked for what's not known (not what is).

Perfect is an attitude not an attribute.

Something is perfect if it is just the way you want it.

Want establishes perfection, not any given aspect of the wanted object.

You are a deeply confused soul. To ask a question, then ask for no personal opinion, is to ask for no answer.

Did we forget to take our meds this morning?

That the US constitution dose not matter any more It is used just as a placard To fool not to be the rule .

Our government is our worst enemy.

The Govt of America is run by people whose culture is very different than the general God fearing freedom loving average middle class hard working American.

Their interests are not always in accordance with the interest of the general public. That is the flaw in Capitalist Democratic Republics.

Highly Successful political leaders do not have to be or act like the average Socially average people but the CNN and FOX news try to make us believe so.


First of all, it is impossible to arrive at an absolute definition for perfection because different people can sometimes have widely differing ideas on what perfection is.

I am sure that there are all sorts of dirty secrets our government is hiding that have not been revealed yet. In time, many of them will be revealed, but I doubt that all of them will.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.