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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is your phillosophy on life?

Question:Live and let live! xx

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Live and let live! xx

live, love, laugh

Life is hard and then you die.
But .... Don't Panic.

Look after no 1.

i have a couple that really envelopes everything...
if in doubt leave it out
what goes around comes around


hey - i just... erm...

i just answered that somewhere else.

1. We all depend on each other
2. We all depend on the world around us

Judge every choice on those two thoughts, and life gets a lot simpler. Other nice thoughts are "do good and be happy" and "if it makes you happy, it can't be that bad". This last one can get thorny, however. I just ate a chocolate, for example.

'Don't submit to stupid rules, be yourself and not a fool. Don't accept average habits, open your heart and push the limits!'

never trust anyone with a "th" in their name

do to others before they do unto you,baby!

Don't let the idiots win

we are here for a good time, not a long time, so enjoy every day of it

trust that you can do everything you put your mind to and never regret what you've done in the past, you had your reasons for doing what you did.

Life's a ***** and then you die.

If everyone could see the beauty in this interview the world would be a better place...

Don't waste your time on jealousy, sometimes your ahead, sometimes your behind.... the race is long and in the end it's only with yourself..........


Work hard, Play harder.

Do as you would be done by.

Positive perceptions result on the things that are favorable to our human perception. Negative ones do the opposite. Therefore, we need to be positive as always as we can be.

What goes around comes around

If its meant to be its meant to be.

Enjoy myself as much as I may and do no harm. Share w/ my friends and help when needed and do no harm. Judge only for myself and not against others and do no harm. Peace to you by brother man.

Don't worry,be happy.

Don't take life too seriously but remain realistic

Live life to the fullest...and everyday like it was my last because you never know what tomarrow has in store for us..

That im here for a good time not a long time, lol.

First no harm, love, laugh,share the good times and consol those going through the bad times.

Get a pet- it makes love soooooo very simple.

Life is to develop potency given by God, to glorify God and become channels of blessings to other persons.

happiness. i think in a subconscious way we just want to be happy diff rent things make us happy but it doesn't matter what as long as Ur happy.

all i want is Passion(I'm an artist and a philosopher so ha ha i no very cliche) i like to cry as if nothing is worth living for i like to be happy like all the sun shines for me, i like to fall in love head first and then i crash like a expensive vase splitting in to millions of scraps, i like to yell like red. i like to be calmer then any flower-child, i love Passion and i love to paint it and let it take me whole.

the one i write in th erooms as i think out lowd

cheat on her before she cheats on you ...

its a *********