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Position:Home>Philosophy> Have there been instances in your life where you felt like, "If I knew back

Question:I'd be better off? I feel like that ALL the time!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'd be better off? I feel like that ALL the time!

yeah but those feelings are apart of life. everything happens for a reason and we all surely learn from our mistakes.

Yes I feel like that all the time! But I try to remind myself to not dwell on those regrets.

helllllllllll yeah

Yes--but you know what? I'm still making mistakes because there are still things that I don't know. No matter how much you know, there are things that happen when you're busy focusing on what you think you know now.

I like the saying: "There are no wrong steps, there is just the next step."

Be kind to yourself--that's one thing that I wish I had done when I was younger.

Well, of course. The only reason you feel this way is that you hadn't gone through that particular thing and grow from it. One must experience life to know what to do in many circumstances.

oh yeah, i think we all have those moments.!!!!

Me too, G. :)

Sure..And if I knew then what I know now, Things would definitely be different.!!!!