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Question:If masochists like to torture themselves, wouldn't they do it best by not torturing themselves?
And if so, aren't we all masochist?

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If masochists like to torture themselves, wouldn't they do it best by not torturing themselves?
And if so, aren't we all masochist?

The first one didn't show up on the main board...;...

Masochists don't torture themselves.
They induce Sadists to do it for them.
Wouldn't the question better be:
"If the Masochist craves torture, shouldn't
the Sadist best respond by refusing it?"

Yes we are all masochists, only we call it sacrifice. That is why we must do it our self and no other.

we all are but its sacrifice instead

i love it!

well yes!! but where's the fun in it?? you see Im'm against hurting yourownself, but im a productive man, if you dont achieve that goal then you lost your purpose! therfore the cause was lost! in this case the joy of pain!!! self torture is not my type unless its sexual, but hey a goal is a goal, oene way or the other it must be achieve otherwise what are we here for??? I for one dont want to waste time!!! time is money!!! time lost is time that you dont have anymore!!! and its priceless!!! imagine that your in a charge and you fail!!! because the time was lost in preperation! you lost already before the battle ends!!!

No, because masochists don't seek pain because they like it. They seek it because they think, based on their past experience (i.e., growing up) that it's the only way they can have a close connection with someone. The thing they really fear is isolation/abandonment, and they think that's what they would get if they didn't torture themselves (which is actually replaying in their minds past memories of torture by others).