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Position:Home>Philosophy> If masochists like to torture themselves, wouldn't they do it best by not to

Question:And if so, aren't we all masochist?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: And if so, aren't we all masochist?

NO, depends what moves one to be a maso and filling that sensation. Some deprive themselves of pain and that's what gets them off so for those people yes the act of NOT torturing is torture. Some Masos don't enjoy pain at all but rather be humiliated to some degree so even though they enjoy mental torture the act of not torturing as torture wouldn't work for them their brain chemistry is set on humiliating mental torture So no torture is just that not torture. So it depends what the maso brain chemistry is set too. To say all masos would torture themselves more from not torturing is like saying men and women have no preference or selection when it comes to who they sleep with. (lol which some don't but most do) ;-)

No, because we do not enjoy pain. It would require us to want pain to experience the pain of self-deprivation.

your right!!! but wheres the fun in it? I just failed to see?? I dont tolerate people who does hurt themeselves but Im a productive man if thats their goal then they will fail to achive it if they dont actually do it!!!

I thought masochists were those hairy prehistoric elephants?