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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the difference between morality and feelings?

Question:Morality is a choice. It's a code of thought and behavior that guides us in our daily interactions.

Feelings are not a choice; you feel what you feel when you feel. The only choice involved with feelings is how we react to or act upon those feelings.

Great question!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Morality is a choice. It's a code of thought and behavior that guides us in our daily interactions.

Feelings are not a choice; you feel what you feel when you feel. The only choice involved with feelings is how we react to or act upon those feelings.

Great question!

Hi Michele B, Feelings are made up of emotional responses to certain conditions in Life, such as when you fall in Love! Morality is a learned process that stems from Culture! Different cultures have different morality! There is one rule that applies to all cultures! Do unto others as you would have them do unto you! Doing this brings harmony in feelings and morality.

morality is rules and laws and think, its a way to make society an orderly place.
feelings are a way of valueing something in a personal way.

Feelings are a chemical reaction produced in your brain. Morality is just made up by people so we can label things in this world as good or evil.

The difference is up to you.
For Example;
Everyone is 'MORALLY' responsible, to try and do the 'RIGHT' thing by everyone else.
Yet 'FEELINGS' or the 'EMOTION', of Greed, Animosity, Want, Sex & Religion can have an overwhelming 'CANCELLING' affect, on that Moral Implication.
So it's up to 'YOU TO DECIDE', what is Morally Correct and what is Emotionaly Correct.