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Position:Home>Philosophy> THe Gender of God? 10 pt. for well thjought of answer!!!!!!!!?

Question:What is the gender of God, based on the Tasoist symbol of Ying and Yang, the Multiverse, and panentheistic theory?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What is the gender of God, based on the Tasoist symbol of Ying and Yang, the Multiverse, and panentheistic theory?

(I'm not religious, but I do like philosophy....)

Well, if we were to assume God was the dominant gender, we could say male. But the idea that males are dominant is a human interpretation, mostly because males are more rash and physically larger than females.
If we were to assume that God is not known for power, but for being wise, God would have to be female. The girls tend to be more thoughtful, and God is all-loving, is he/she not?
My conclusion would be God is undefinable, but if you want to put a gender on him/her, I'd say to each his own. Whatever God feels like to you.

He is not male, nor female.

The essential "IT"

He's a big husky black man it's quite obvious.

God, or Yahweh (formerly the Jewish God of war), is considered to be a male deity and is referred to in the Bible in the masculine.

God is all things to all people.

God is not a living organism, so God has no gender.

I would relate to God as a Male though, if I must choose, based on God's vengeful nature I've read about in the Bible.

From the Tao end of the pool,

Yin represents the feminine, dark, passive, receptive, and emptness(to name a few)... of the universe.

Yang represents the masculine, light, active, projective, and fullness(to name a few)...
of the universe.

Though "god" is often attributed with male/fatherly tendencies, many belief systems give it/him/her an ambiguous non-gender quality.

Taoism describes the beginning as Wu Chi... void, emptiness, nothingness, stillness, or non-being(yin). the next phase is the appearance of "somethingness" , substance, movement, form(yang). The interaction of the two create Tai chi, or the supreme ultimate, the continuous cycle that led to all things and the phases between being and non-being.

since the universe was "born" from nothingness(the feminine), and the addition of substance(the masculine) to the equation... It would probably be said that "god" is the Yang element, the masculine, the light, the movement and being. and "God" would have been born from the Yin element, the feminine, the dark, from stillness and non-being.

Or........ "God" is the result of the two, and is both. Tai chi, the supreme ultimate.

God is a father-mother-God. He contains Yin and Yang, as he is the source Ch'i of the universe. He contains construction/expansion and destruction/implosion, as the evolution of the universe goes ahead rhythmically. He contains male and female, as only so a son could be be born.

The Taoist symbol shows the male and female sides of god.
One side is male, starting small and growing, the other is female, starting small and growing.
A seed of Male in the fullest part of the female, provides the source for all that is male. A seed of Female in the fullest part of the male provides the source for all that is Female.
Thus, it can be said that God is male and female- forever wrestling one another, but depending on one another utterly as the source and the conclusion.

God is a creation of all gender-based, male-dominated religions. Hence the "almighty, power" male figure and the "dark, passive" female submissive.

God has no Gender.
WE are all ONE.
There is not but ONE of US.