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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are you insanely Amazing... or amazingly Insane?

Question:I, Rune is eihter amazing or insane.... You?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I, Rune is eihter amazing or insane.... You?

A simple man dose simple things and yet they are amazing to those around him .

I have surprised myself in both areas.

Love and blessings Don

slightly both

Neither. I find no redeeming qualities in insanity no matter how amazing it may seem to another.


amazingly insane judging from other reactions the fact that i have made it this far kinda makes you stand back and glance like wow they really dont care and a single man will never matter untill he truly affects others


It depends on who you ask...

insanely amazing. thank you for asking.

Without a doubt I am amazingly Insane
I thought you knew that already

amazingly insane.