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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the true definition of God?

Question:a imaginary existence created by humans either to control others or to fill an emptiness in their hearts

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: a imaginary existence created by humans either to control others or to fill an emptiness in their hearts

we can all guess - but who does really know.

It is enough that we get energy, wisdom, hope and happiness in believing that God exists and knowing that he is always there for you. Actually he is the only one there when you are all alone.


The Cosmological Argument for the existence of God:
1. In the world there are effects
2. every effect must have a cause
4. An infinite regress of effects doesn't explain the reason they are caused in the first place
5. Therefore an uncaused cause must exist

Obviously theres much more to prove who God is but he can't be finite or changing since he would be subject to cause. An infinite unchanging being does not need a cause. Occam's razor says that you cannot mutiply entities without necessity. This proof submits to Occams razor by showing the necessity for something beyond the universe.

Infinite intelligence, all-knowing, benevolent,

The higher power that many people believe in, that controls life.

That is more of a text book definition. The truth is, we don't know. We like facts, yet the most common thing we believe in is something that can't be proven. Irony?

Really, what I don't get, is when people say God has infinite wisdom, does this mean God has a sideways 8 for his IQ? What is infinite wisdom, always knowing the right thing, or always knowing everything, or is that even wisdom?

a imaginary existence created by humans either to control others or to fill an emptiness in their hearts

Don't listen to Dave44, lol. He's just stuck on his intro to philosophy high horse. There are many holes in that argument. I will not get into them here.

God is Love!
God Is Almighty!
God is All Knowing!
God is All Powerful!
God is A Provider!!!
God Is A Lover of Souls!
God is A Creator of All Things that were
And are...For All Eternity!
God is Pure!
God is very interactive with all people that will
seek Him In All Truth and Sincerity!
God owns everything!
The gold and all the silver...
(He just has it on loan to us for a little while!)
God has always been...and always will be!

God "hung" the stars on NOTHING and named every one
of them!
He knows the number hairs on your head today and knows when you loose even one!
And He loves you today!

He wants you to be His Child... today by SURRENDERING
your will to Him!
He will show you a quality of life that you never experienced before!

God is THE WAY

i believe this is a completely personal question each person must answer for themselves, but for me the answer is love, acceptance and understanding in every sense of these words.

The collective name for every living thing... as every living thing is part of the whole..


God is the infinite divine being, one in being, yet three persons : Father,Son,and Holy Spirit. God has revealed himself as the "One who is", as truth and love, as creator of all that is, as the author of divine revelation, and as the source of salvation.