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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you were to do die tonight?

Question:...and you looked back at your life, would you be happy and satisified or have feelings of regret?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ...and you looked back at your life, would you be happy and satisified or have feelings of regret?

oooh thats a tough one. I recently believed that I was ready to die, that there was really no purpose or reason for me being here, but when it really came down to it I found myself wanting to 'tidy up' my past. I tried forgiving old enemies, sought forgiveness for myself for past transgressions, just generally get my karma straight. I suddenly realised there was a lot of things I still wanted to do. Now live everyday as if it was the last which leads to some pretty random situations, but is mostly fun.
So i guess 'yes' I probably would have regrets, i think everyone would. But I'd be happy knowing that i tried.......
Good question!

im young but would be happy if i could give everyone in my family one last hug before i died.

as long as there was at least one other person in the world who was happy i would be happy!

nah i would get with more girls

Both and how did you know I mite die tonight ?

I think there are somethings I would like to do better.

no I certainly would not be happy with a life review. I would probably be ashamed.