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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is more important: the past or the future?

Question:Both. We look for the future and we should not dwell in the past when dealing with pain. The past is the foundation. Today is the future of your past. Where you are today is because of your past. Where you will be tomorrow, is because of today.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Both. We look for the future and we should not dwell in the past when dealing with pain. The past is the foundation. Today is the future of your past. Where you are today is because of your past. Where you will be tomorrow, is because of today.

The future, because you can influence the future. The past is something that you cannnot change or impact...although it is fun to think about the good times you had.

Both the same.. Present is most important

Think about itt =P

the present! but if you want me to chose between the two, the future.

future's past

Either. Utilize information about the past to better the future.

Check yesterdays answers !

none, the present is the most important because what you do in the present can change your future
so watch what you do

The future. you should'n't be regreting and dwelling over the past, you should be looking towards the future.

the future

If you do not know the past the future will come as a fatal car crash .

I think they are both equal in their importance. IDK it is just the way i think!

The future. Past is something u cannot change.

Carpe Diem, remember? live life to its fullest.

Dont look back in time, and focus on what u can improve on or change (the future)!!!

<3 <3 cbcblover <3 <3

Obviously the future,

but the only way we can influence it is by understanding the past.


the past..
the future might not be there for me.

The Past. Because the Past shapes the Future. And our Future is someone else's Past. Tilt, tilt, tilt, tilt..................

Dr. Edwin Land was commented as saying: 'The Past is the Present, biting into the Future.'

Whichever you happen to live in.

I Believe they both are Very important...
My Theory is the past is important because you learn so much from it. Like miss takes you've made along the way, and learn from them in life.....
And with those miss takes you move to the future to either make things right or live your life better though the miss takes you have made!

the now

I believe that the past is just as important as the future. Although the past can not be changed or altered it provides us all with valuable experiences from which we can all learn from. Which will then have some effect on the future.

How ever since the future is forever changing all the time and the past remains the past I think that it is more important to focus on the present. The future will take care of it 's self.

It is the actions that we take today that make the biggest impact on the future.

The present is the most important
