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Position:Home>Philosophy> How old will you be if you didn't know how old you were?

Question:How old you thought you were before you thought how old you are.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How old you thought you were before you thought how old you are.

you would be as old as you are?

I wouldn't know would I!


As old as I already am.

check your birth certificate or drivers license.

well uhm i look about 14
and im 13.

hmm I'd like to say 25 but my receeding hairline won't let me

I'd think im 18 years old.

my brother says to "please slap your self" and to ask better questions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

two years older then I am

63 because my grandfather woke up one night and didnt know who he was, what was going on, and how old he was of course

Do you mean how old do you feel?

I feel about 25.

Um im not sure??!!

I think a lot of people would be 21 for quite a few years!

I look about as old as I am(27), depending on the haircut.
mentally i feel 45
physically I feel 19

Erm I feel about 40, I'm 16. I look young and feel young. But mentally I feel much older.
It's funny because my Grandma and Great Grandma etc. were born in areas of the world that didn't quite have birth certficates. (Mud huts in Kenya about 80 years ago). And they're not sure how old they are so they just take a guess at around 70 LOL!

you would be however old you were. starting from the day you were born.

If I didn't know my chronological age, I would guess it to be about 23 by physical appearance alone

Mentally, I would say 25

You would have to count the rings around your trunk & divide by percentage of body fat. This really is scientific!!?!!

A day older than yesterday.

As old as you feel .

Don't mix up feeling and truth. You are your age, even if you do not feel it. If you feel 80, you may or may not be 80.

let me answer your question with a question of my own.

If a person doesn't know how old they were, then how will they learn how old they are going to be?

I'd say 13.(I'm 36) I love that song,I'm not a girl,not yet a woman.It perfectly describes my innocent woman/child nature!