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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do we worry so much?

Question:Because we are afraid. No other reason for worry.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Because we are afraid. No other reason for worry.

Why do yo mean by "we". we aren't and if you are the answer must be sought elsewhere.

Because we think that we can handle everything. We need to trust that God is in control!

This society tells you to. Since you have been born you have been inculcated with fear. If you are made to be afraid of something, anything, everything you preoccupy your time with worrying instead of thinking for yourself.

Because we're too Insecure to appreciate- that worrying is a waste of time. :)

Humans cannot survive living 'day to day'. We must prepare for the future (food for the winter, shelter for bad weather, clothing, etc.). Consequently, to survive as a species we must have developed a genetic propensity to worry (and thus to prepare for the future).

Best wishes.

because we have nothing better to do than dwell on thoughts of what we have done and what we will do.

Because God gave us brains and with that logic and reasoning -- so we see what the (e.g.,) bills are and try to work out a plan to get out of debt. Or whatever our problems are.

Without the ability to reason, we would not worry.

It's a by-product of having vivid imagination and capacity for abstract thinking. We imagine millions of bad things that could happen. Animals lack that capacity hence they live worry-free lives. They do get nervous though.

Simply because we are afraid of the unknown.

Because you are not certain of what is going to happen in the future.

Actually you do not have to worry if you trust God who hold the future in His Hand.

It keeps our minds sharp so we are able to deal with the unexpected.

Its a way of making FEAR manageable

Because we can see the future, unlike other animals and it is our human imperative to prepare for them.

Only if we treasure our lives and those of our dear ones, too much. It is because of countless uncertainties of the world---accidents, diseases, vagaries of the weather, natural disasters, etc. We worry whether our country would be forced to go to war, whether a nuclear device would be exploded in the vicinity or there will be an epidemic. Nowadays we worry of how high oil, transportation and food prices will rise, whether we will get unemployed in the near future and how we are going to feed the children, our parents and grandparents who depend on us. I believe that every knowledgeable person on earth, regardless of living in the 1st or 3rd world will bound to have worries of some kind or another. If we think, know, love much we therefore worry a lot, too.It's quite natural, this human condition.