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Position:Home>Philosophy> Wow i literally just had a panic attack about

Question:ok i am an agnostic and really don't feel like there is anything after life. That means I would be gone for all of eternity when i die. All of eternity...that is forever. The idea of being dead forever is absolutely terrifying which is weird b/c i've always recognized the idea but never been affected like this before. The idea of having a loving and meaningful life helps but is there anything else you guys could say to console me?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ok i am an agnostic and really don't feel like there is anything after life. That means I would be gone for all of eternity when i die. All of eternity...that is forever. The idea of being dead forever is absolutely terrifying which is weird b/c i've always recognized the idea but never been affected like this before. The idea of having a loving and meaningful life helps but is there anything else you guys could say to console me?

Let me see what I can do. Have you ever had a thought about the retroactive time before you were born? I didn't think so. Do you know why? Because your time of consciousness is located after you were born and not before.

What makes you worry about death of afterlife is the period of consciousness you have acquired during the span between birth and death. If there was nothing before birth why is it supposed to be after you die?

The only formula to prevent panic attack about death is to welcome death as part of life. Better yet, try to enjoy your loving and meaningful life without thinking about death.
Wait for your old age. The idea of death will
come naturally to you without any panic.

i had one about the same thing.....
it wasn't cool.

Eh.. scared me to death before (no pun intended). I've had panic attacks about this same thing and I get scared because I know I have one life to live and if I make one mistake and I die then I'm screwed...

But now that I've found Christ, I mean, I know that there is a better life after death, so I don't have to be worried.. it does help. I know you are an agnostic but that is just something that comes with agnosticism.

I used to have panic attacks. You only feel like you're going to die, but you aren't. I got rid of them when I left the bad situation I was in, and started becoming healthier. Like exercise and good food. Drugs never really helped me.

If you believe that time is infinite, you were non-existent for the undending expanse of time before you were born. Does this idea terrify you? Of course not. So why should exactly the same state of non-existence worry you when it happens after death?

I worry about the process of dying - I'm scared of pain, incapacity, losing my reason and so on. But the fact of my being dead is somebody else's problem.

We share Religous Outlooks, so I will say. I'm going to die, you are going to die, everyone we both know WILL die, EVENTUALLY,
If we don't exist after we've gone, then we will have no memory of anything or anyone who'll miss us.
You can't change the fact you are going to DIE, I am going to die and everyone we individually know. Is Going to DIE

read the Tibetan Book of the will calm your fears about the death and dieing process, we all must go to fate, why not ease your mind for the trip. Dont dwell and live to the fullest, it is the journey you should be concentrating on and how you fill the days of said journey, not the destination

Cool honey, have a glass of wine.

Thats why I believe in the afterlife. If there is a loving God he wouldn't just let us have a desire for eternal life and then decide to destroy us anyways. Sorry, can't help you if you hold to agnosticism. You just make the most of your life and try to carry a legacy.

I've thought of that idea too but I recognize that there would be really no encouragement for me. It basically means once the earth is destroyed everything is meaningless. The only meaning in life is the 'now' and what you can do for future generations 'now.' After that rouble is rouble whether you kill 6 million Jews or saved 6 million lives. Sorry its the cold hard truth if you don't believe in the afterlife.

If you believe in a loving God then what you do will ultimately matter and evil will be punished. Agnosticism doesn't provide that hope.

You can just accept death knowing that you didn't exist before time and won't exist after time but that not only gives ultimate meaning to life but it also doesn't guarantee that your right. You could end up living forever and forever regret and pay the consequences for not living for something better. Maybe you should reexamine your religious views.

Some times there just isn't anything after life, but this really does become okay when you are okay with what you've done with yours. I don't want to die, ever. I love living, breathing, smelling things, talking, feeling what ever may come my way, but yes it is going to happen so I BS myself, what can it possably hurt, what if there is something afterwards, I take inventory of the things I've done (not for god but for me cause they are the right things to do) and evaluate, if there is a god will I get into heaven for this...? If there is a god will I be keept out of heaven for this...? So far my own personal beliefs seem to be doing pretty well for me because I don't think I've done anything so terable that I' d be kapt out of such a forgiveing place. I don't think this way all the time, but when the thought of death creeps up on me and I can't shake it, then this is how I view it. It comforts me and basically isn't that what all religions are and don't we deserve comfort in our lives? Hope this helps, if not then you atleast got to read something for awhile that got your mind off of it. GL!

I went through a phase when I was about 15 (im now 18) where I was not able to sleep at night and would have periodic panic attacks because the thought of NEVER again existing once I die scared me sh*tless. It still scares the sh*t out of me and I know it's probably true but I also know that for the time being I am alive and why should I let the one life that I do have to live be spent in fear of the inevitable. It scares me yes but i refuse to let it ruin my life. I WILL be happy I WILL have a family and be succesful. All that I hope for is that my life will bring me some measure of happiness whether it be from my work or my children so that some day I won't be so afraid of death and will be able to come to terms with the fact that I can't live forever and the best that I can do is leave my mark on humanity whether directly or through my children.

I have done this too. I seriously cried for 2-3 hours, but now it does not really affect me any more. I just take a deep breath and enjoy the moment I am in at the moment. Life would be boring if you lived forever. Remember, you have enought time!!!
Don't freak... Harder than it sounds, but really, you will waste your life worrying about it! ;)

Please relax & enjoy your life. Death comes for everyone, but we cant let it consume us. I want you to relax. God will never give you more than you can bear. He promises that, & His word is good.

When one believes that Jesus is not the saviour of mankind sent by God, then the only alternative is that when a human being dies that human being is gone forever, along with all his thoughts, emotions, and life experiences. I used to have death attacks, also. I would have to say that these panic attacks were the most horrible of any experience. When I became a Christian and realized the reality of Jesus, I have come to believe that each human being is important and special to God. God will perserve what is important to Him and in His special and mysterious way will perserve each person who comes to Him for forgiveness and salvation throughout His eternity.

My dear,every night you die and every morning you are born again.Your death is going to be no bigger an event than the death of a moth.All life forms go through transformation.Many a Caesar,Alexander,Socrates, gone and forgotten.Get the maximum out of THE PRESENT.May be right after you it will be my turn.Be happy.RajaSir.You can leave your ideas at

What happens to you when you think about your pre-fetal existence? Nothing? Death is the same thing.

Not to worry,
we will build Time machine one day (seriously) and you will be discovered and you can relive your life.


I like to think that although I don't believe in choice, the things that I do will literally affect the arrangement of matter in this universe for the rest of its existence. The other forms of matter that I have physically moved and affected will continue to experience repercussions from my actions well beyond my death, which, I believe could very well change the life of stars, other races and the universe.