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Position:Home>Philosophy> What would you tell me if you wanted to cheer me up, philosophically speaking?

Question:I feel fine, but what would be a hopeful view?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I feel fine, but what would be a hopeful view?

You are perfect and completely lovable exactly the way that you are.

Love and blessings Don

I have no idea.

Be nice and friendly and listen to your opinon.

There are no hopeful views. All is just doom and gloom. However, I would try to tell you a philosophical joke to cheer you up. Something like "Kant, Hegel and Marx walk into a bar. Says Kant..." I'll have to think of a punchline for that. It shows promise.

"Kant, Hegel and Marx walk into a bar. They say ouch!!!"

best punchline i could think of

There are so many views that led themselves to hope.

If you are spiritual, then I would speak of your higher power and how you have much to celebrate in the mere fact of being alive. That your God/Goddess or whatever deity you prefer is watching you and waiting to reward you for your long suffering and dedication.

If you weren't spiritual, I'd point out all that you have accomplished in your life and remind you that success is the journey not the destination and that you are doing remarkably well in your journey. That fate has in store great things for you to experience.

Or, I would simply point at the people in your life who love you dearly and remind you that those who are not deserving of love generally do not receive love in such abundance.

There are so many more reasons I could expound upon, but I am choosing brevity for your convenience.

Great question!

You are master of your future.
You alone command your present.
Your past cannot be changed so don't regret it.

Ask not if the glass is half full or half empty, but rather simply not that the glass is.


I would say to just be. No emotion can measure up to the peace of just being. It blissful and strangely happy.

Remember that true knowledge is in your grasp, and that freedom and dignity are something that people can't take away from you. And that the more you try and understand life, the more you will realize you don't know, and how much more exciting life is because of that fact.