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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you believe that this world is an illusion??

Question:that everything isn't real, or the speed of light could be any number. the acceleration due to the force of gravity on earth could be any number instead of exactly 9.8m/second square? Or that the space never ends. or that there is no such thing as how many stars are in the universe or what is right or wrong?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: that everything isn't real, or the speed of light could be any number. the acceleration due to the force of gravity on earth could be any number instead of exactly 9.8m/second square? Or that the space never ends. or that there is no such thing as how many stars are in the universe or what is right or wrong?

Ya, everything is an illusion, which you could say is evident in space being curved and being finite that expands ad-infinitum. There are laws in illusion, however, that are also an illusion, too. Even as all the laws of nature exist to keep illusion in tact and in order, which is why people are ignorant about living in an illusion because illusion keeps people in ignorance which Indian religions call Maya, laws govern every action with an exacting tit for tat. Whatever you outflow you'll inflow. There is a right and wrong in the universe that societies mimic with their laws, and even though it's all a non-existent illusion, laws exist as non-existence. As long as you are bound in illusion and stay ignorant of Reality, you're subject to the laws of illusion which tends to keep you in illusion and ignorant of Reality. You need to get a spiritual perfect master who knows Reality in order to get "you" out by making you realise the illusion of "you." That is the purpose of being here, to know your Self which is God.

The physical world is less likely to change but humans do . Our society of good people turn out to be people full of secrets. The life they live isn't real for many of them. They live an illusion but some only wear make-up.

Any illusion indistinguishable from reality, *is* reality for all intents and purposes. It's highly unlikely any illusion could be sustained for so long, in such detail, for so many independent perspectives. There always the solipsistic hypothesis; which I reject because if I were imagining it I should be able to alter it at will and I can't.

well the speed of light is a constant.
gravity is a constant.
space does end, but is always expanding.
you could count the number of stars but its so huge and stars are being born and are dying constantly.

so no . no illusion

maybe...but then agian maybe not

the world is a fasinating place...anything can happened

This world we inhabit is a physical realm and the body occupies space here. The reality of man is spiritual in nature and the purpose of our life here is to discover our spiritual reality within ourselves. This physical realm is only a step and source of learning. We are all learning all the time! There are discoveries for us to uncover and the overall prime purpose of this learning is to discover the spiritual reality and purpose.
Just like the embryo in the womb. It's growing limbs,eyes ears excetera not for the womb but for this world. The things to learn here are for the developement of spiritual qualities to take with us into the next life.

Have you ever counted the stars in the sky? They are for real because people have landed on one star called MARS. But your question was about the world not about stars or universe. If the world is illusion, try to touch the fire. Then, you'll know if it is an illusion or not.

Yes. Because YOUR World, & MY World- are the "real" ones. Since Each of us percieve "Reality" differently, OUR "Worlds" are as Real & Complete- as anyone elses. Therefore, when someone talks about "The World..." -they're talking about an Illusion... ... . :)

The term illusion can be a bit ambiguous here. However, looking at it in a sense that it is something changeable and removable, then yes, reality is an illusion.

All reality exists within the bounds of our subconscious minds. It is a collection of perceptions derived from the world created by the hyperconscious mind (essentially "god") before our conscious minds arose. Our reality is given by this, all laws, all truths are contained within the subconscious mind. However the conscious mind may ideally refute and remove these bounds if disconnected and enlightened. All consciousnesses have the ability to become "god," merely by accepting the scope of this truth.

Ideally we would all exist within each others' minds in a dimension beyond that of space and time. All interconnected in a true reality of pure consciousness

Uh, if you really believe that this world is an illusion, have somebody throw a rock at you, though not so hard that you will get hurt.

Once you do this, you will realize that this world is not an illusion.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

Believing does not make things true. Most beliefs are actually false.
Yours is false. Illusions have no reason to question themselves.