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Position:Home>Philosophy> I was staring at lightbulbs (don't ask why) and now my eyes feel sunny. What

Question:I was staring at lightbulbs for the past 2 days on and off (DOn't ask why) and now my eyes feel funny. What's wrong? I hope I'm not going blind!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was staring at lightbulbs for the past 2 days on and off (DOn't ask why) and now my eyes feel funny. What's wrong? I hope I'm not going blind!!!

When you stare at lights for a long time, then look away, you see green. Very clever. Not.

This is called Bleaching.

It is temporary so the effects will subside - don't worry.

On and off for two days may take more time to ware off then normal.. if you want to mess with your eyes, watch this video - its cool =]

works on the same principle

If you want to learn more go back to your biology class because I don't want to regergitate what I've learnt before my exam!

lol : ) that's probably normal. hahahaha

most likely you will turn Bi very soon

Man you need to find something more interesting to do. But who I am to say, maybe staring at light bulbs is the height of some peoples lives.

Stop staring directly into any strong source of light. It can be very bad for your eyes!

Harleigh Kyson Jr.