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Position:Home>Philosophy> Which is more important; work or play. how can I tell the difference between the

Question:The most important thing is work because play is just part of it. Most people see it differently, but actually it is within the person to chose to place PLAY into WORK, or vice versa.
If you have a job and work roughly because of the need of income and living then you are only working. But if you were to go to your job (which is work) and go their because other than for a living, you enjoy working, then you are working plus playing.
What if play comes first? It is still the same. Playing leads to enjoyment which initiates the continous or repeated action of playing resulting to work. For example, if you were playing an RPG game like Final Fantasy or God of War, you have a role as the main character in the game. Playing is merely the intention in doing the game. if you put work into it then there is a greater effort in doing a greater percentage in perfecting the game. Thus work is more important than play, but it is better for the person to work with a part of play.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The most important thing is work because play is just part of it. Most people see it differently, but actually it is within the person to chose to place PLAY into WORK, or vice versa.
If you have a job and work roughly because of the need of income and living then you are only working. But if you were to go to your job (which is work) and go their because other than for a living, you enjoy working, then you are working plus playing.
What if play comes first? It is still the same. Playing leads to enjoyment which initiates the continous or repeated action of playing resulting to work. For example, if you were playing an RPG game like Final Fantasy or God of War, you have a role as the main character in the game. Playing is merely the intention in doing the game. if you put work into it then there is a greater effort in doing a greater percentage in perfecting the game. Thus work is more important than play, but it is better for the person to work with a part of play.

Work---- the difference is you get a paycheck for that.

Play is more important..."All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" and all...if you can't tell the difference between the may just be one of the lucky few...

work feels like slavery, play does not.

they both are one you like doing the other not so much---ugru

Although work is important because without it you cant really play....but still I say play is more important because we are all only here for a short while..and when we are old and look back we arent going to remember studying for an exam or sitting at a computer desk...we are going to remember all the fun times with family and friends, vacationing, etc.

Equally important. If you work all the time, you'll get burned out. If you play all the time, you starve to death.

Play is what you do for the fun of it - without being paid. You can have fun at work, but odds are you'd rather be somewhere else, doing something else.

work, play won't do anything for you survival-wise which is the priority

Without work, we cannot play,

Either because we can't afford to, or playing all the time would become the norm. and we'd all get bored! So a boring playtime can't really qualify as play!

im a work a holic, so i say work. and the difference is work is no fun, play is fun :)

If you can work playing, you are happy man

Play , that's why I work to play .

I think both are just as important. Without work, you wouldnt know when the playing stated. Play is having fun, work is something you tolerate to make money so you can have more fun lol

mostly I have enjoyed my work,it did not seem gruelling. I have changed jobs often, perhaps that is why I never got tired of it. What I do now feels like play. I am a volunteer teacher and travel to new placements each year.

I could not do nothing. My nature is to contribute, not only to society but to my own sense of accomplishment. Before I became a teacher I was in health care. So It seems service is my forte . For me work is play. I guess I am lucky.

Play is more important for psychological health. If you can't have a playful attitude @ work, you should maybe consider a change of careers or get an extra large dose of fun after work.

Both are important. Work and play: the same thing except for different reasons. Work is neccessary because it supports you and your family. Play is important because when you have fun, smile, and laugh, then you stay healthy. Just my philosophy.