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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is there a site that will give describe what heaven might look like?

Question:3 sites that come to mind.. Your heart your soul and your mind..

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 3 sites that come to mind.. Your heart your soul and your mind..

It might look like anything even a butt (I know funny but true)!

There are plenty of sites to describe what heaven might look like. In fact the book "The Lovely Bones" has very vivid descriptions of what Heaven might look like from the perspective of a dead girl. However i think you'll find the best descrption in the bible. No one actually knows what heaven looklike how could they? Just try and imagine it as your paradise I suppose.

theres might be but only god knows what it looks like read the bible it helps describe it. "the streets will be paved with gold".

they say that everyone has a different perspective on what heaven looks like, and that heaven is different for everyone. you see your own idea of heaven. you have to watch the movie "what dreams may come". i believe that's what heaven and hell are. what you make them.

talk to me because i have really some beautiful pictures that can give a view of heaven. Or just search on - what dreams may come and you will find out some pictures and paintings that will look like heaven as i believe. Thanks for reading.

What is heaven?

Try crystalinks and Ashtar Command Mission and read Dolores Cannon's book "Between Death and Life"

Yes, there is . . .

george and culper have the anwers

Poor girl, heaven doesnt look like anything, what it feels like however is a different matter. If you want heaven based on looks come to Canada.

There are no doubt all sorts of sites and all sorts of books that describe what heaven might look like. They are all works of the imagination, however. Heaven, along with hell, is a part of Christian mythology and quite simply does not exist.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

Heaven does not look like anything. It is a new level of existence