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Position:Home>Philosophy> Couples: HOW did You Know Your MATE was the ONE?

Question:Was it just upon glance, talking, interior knowledge, an answer to your prayer?

DO TELL! Smile smile.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Was it just upon glance, talking, interior knowledge, an answer to your prayer?

DO TELL! Smile smile.

In the early conversations we had, he always said the right thing in response. It wasn't always what I wanted to hear, but he kept up the witty banter and really got my sense of humor and understood my quirks. Admittedly we actually "bumped" into each other, he's 6'6' and I literally ran right into him. He made a smart a** comment and I fired back, thus it began. Fortunately, we both thought the other was hot and the fact that one could "keep up" with the other was what sealed the deal. Two years of dating and four years of marriage later, he still "gets" me and our friends tell us all the time that we're so perfect for each other. More than lust or conversation, I think the most important thing in a lifelong mate is truly liking and respecting that person. There are qualities in my husband that I honestly admire that I wish I posessed. He gives his best to everything he does and he has a genuinely good heart with good moral character. He's always been attractive, but he's an amazing dad too and that makes him downright sexy.

I never had any doubt in my mind that he only had eyes for me and 10 years later that is still true :)

I am smiling. Can't u tell?

I din't know my mate was the one. I HOPED. and lucky for me, it worked out. only through going through alot of bad, and some good, and sticking through it all, do i know realize that he is the ONE.

probably because no one else would put up with me anyway :S

well it was hard but it worth the try and my perfect mate is my boyfriend .....he was my best friend

no such thing as the one

He was my best friend, and I went to cry on his shoulder, which to me meant a heart to heart talk. To him it was literal, and there I was, in his arms with my head on his shoulder and NOTHING EVER FELT SO GOOD! I ran from his apartment that night, but we had a talk two days later. We have now been married for 11 years, love each other unconditionally, and are together forever and beyond. My head on his shoulder still feels better than anything else in the world.

When you start putting that person before your self then its love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just never had any doubts, never. With every one of my ex boyfriends, I always had doubts when we would get into fights or if we were mad at each other. With my husband, there was never doubt. We could be mad at each other, but knew were were not going to break up over it. Hard to explain.

I know he's the one because he does the little things that make me feel special, not only spaecial but worth it.

There is no "one." A successful relationship is a lot of hard work. You choose to make your relationship successful it isn't about butterflies, warm fuzzies, one milkshake with two straws etc...

Don't get me wrong, it's a lot of fun too but it is the stressful times that seem to draw us closer.

I felt it I just knew but I had to be with someone else first to know the real deal when I eventually met him and he says the same its very freaky because we do things the same but were in different places or we say the same things at the same time I've told him he should marry me because its a sign lol.

if your heart sings when you hear their name, if you cant get enough of him/her. if it feels right and you feel like you're flying whenever you're with him/her. then you know ts right

I still don't after 15 years of marriage apart from the two for one ratio: for every fight we have two f#cks - and we're still fighting...

Well, you sorta know when the feeling hits you...

But 18 years later, and after Her cheating twice and Divorce, I knew she wasn't.

So let me put it this way. If you have found a woman, and you are both "hitting it off", keep going. If that first glance, you both felt something, then I'd have to say you have a GREAT Chance. Talk, LISTEN - most important -, Be there for her, lend and ear. Just take your time, don't jump ahead.

Get to really know each other, and definitely live together prior to Marriage - see the "dirty undewear" so to speak.

The most Important thing is Communication, that is why I stated Listen, above. Always Listen. You may not have an answer, but give it a shot, or say, "Let me think about that for a bit." Then find the simplest solution - Occam's Razor.

Good Luck! And I happy someone in this World found someone...


For me there wasn't the ONE.

There is one, good dad to my daughter.

There was ONE who was unique.

There was ONE that was special.

But I couldn't get from seeing someone to becoming a team. I like independence.

I just knew. Certainty like the certainty of the sun rising again ... only more so, because believing it came with a big ol' bonus of warm fuzzy feelings.

i knew the first time that i looked in his eyes that he was what i had spent my whole life searching for

Because of the weird energy we create when we are there, like an energy of belonging, like we knew each other before and finally met again to continue the journey in every life.

I knew i liked talking to him, I knew I trusted him, I knew he made me laugh, but I REALLY knew I loved him when we kissed for the first time and my legs turned to jello!