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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you ever wonder why people can't get together and solve the world's p

Question:I mean I know comities never work, but if we could collectively manage the world would it really work or would greed still prevail no matter weather moeny had a value or not?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I mean I know comities never work, but if we could collectively manage the world would it really work or would greed still prevail no matter weather moeny had a value or not?

People seem to be more interested in tearing apart anyone that doesn't think, talk, act and believe/disbelieve like them.
I wish people would just present who they are and what they think without needing to shred anyone who dares to be different. So much more would be accomplished if we could stop attacking and reached for some understanding.
As for the great social experiment of communism it failed miserably because man's nature is still what it is, grasping for power. I do see groups that work wonderfully together but ego has to take a back seat and the common goal needs to be the priority.
Keep going with the positive attitude and be the change you want to see. I'll support you with doing my part.
Take care.
Update: I just wanted to encourage you with an experience I had. In my early 20's a stopped into a small Mennonite church one Sunday. During the service it was mentioned that a member's house/barn had been severely damage in a storm. They had new immigrants staying with them.
One by one the congregation stood up and said things like, "I will brings lunch meals this week and blankets." "I'll bring dinners and my husband will bring lumber." Within 5 minutes a full work committee, supplies, food, bedding and accommodations were worked out. The men of the congregation booked off work (some were doctors, engineers, farmers, contractors, etc.). I was told that within a week or two all the work would be done and the immigrants looked after elsewhere. This was just part of living in community. It was amazing to see the quiet grace and love of these people. These people lived what they said they believed. They live quiet lives, helping their neighbors but never imposed their thoughts or believes on anyone who doesn't ask first. I can't do justice to the experience but I wanted to share.
What you hope for is out there it just takes some searching.

get 20 people together and try to pick one movie to watch.

that should explain why we cant get billions of people to agree on anything.

Cracker completely nails it.

Everyone has their own opinion that's why arguments from small to large happen throughout the world everyday on a long term and short term scale.

We all have different ideas how problems should be solved, this will lead to arguments so that's not the solution. People are also very ignorant and some like to make others feel inferior so we will never reach a solution that way.

Some people just don't want to and won't cooperate. That's why.

not while everyones trying to sound like la law mixed with dynasty

People frequently get together to solve the world's problems- they just don't agree on which ones to solve first!

Hon, they are afraid.

They are afraid that it is too late for that.
In our minds we have want to continue and survive,
We will do anything to get ahead....its true for everyone.

Its so sad but true.

I want to send a messege to the world and myself included:

"lets stop for a day and breathe just breathe,
feel the air, lie on the grass, and smile everytime of everyday that we meet others for we are shure that they exist,
lets just talk effortlessly with out right or wrong opinions,
lets put way the choices and alternatives,
lets communicate!
lets take a break and just forget about all the things in the world and learn about them again with new eyes...."

The worlds problems can't be solved because what is a problem for one person isn't necessarily a problem for another. Everyone has their own agenda, and that's what they will fight for.

It would never work...many communities can't even get along with eachother because of racism, class differences, how is it ever possible that if such a small group of people can't even get along, then how could the whole world do it? What people need to do first is to realize that even though we are all different, we are all the same. Stop considering yourself as white or black or asian (etc) and consider yourself HUMAN. Then when the whole world can do that, then maybe we could figure out the world's problelms, but not until.

personally I never get wondered why people ever get together to solve world's problem bcoz peoples are divided & it's so silly, that they're divided due to religions! Come with free mind to HELP really, you won't get any problem I suppose. A Christian would never help a Muslim 'terrorist' who tried to established his so-called ideology foolishly. Would any Christian help him when the Muslim realizes his fault? Let FBI or CIA catch him----well, after confessing his fault, what would happen? It's not that much easy to ask a question the way you asked. It depends on YOU! Being a HUMAN, we've to THINK & Analysis many things indeed. After being a HUMAN really, we could do something great for the world. Being a Human, I mean: HAVE PATIENCE & MERCY within you.

People are too intellegent to be able to do that - each forms an opinion based on a huge range of factors including historical, environmental, nurture etc. thus you'll never get everyone to agree.

Plus of course there's always some people who want a bigger share. Animal Farm gives a pretty good indication of this.

Because the relevance of those problems increases only as those problems approach us, not by their number or the number of those they affect. We are very concerned when a handful of people in our vicinity catch a virus ,and hardly at all when an epidemic hits millions of people in another continent.

The First World War ended on November 18, 1918, and the results created the League of Nations. The English, French and Italian politics were too much for the United States President, who was naive enough as to think that they were grateful by the aid of the Americans to win the war. The American people didn`t want to get involved in European affairs and didn`t renew its confidence on Woodrow Wilson. So now you have a case of failure on the first attempt to manage world affairs.because the fault was lack of confidence of the American People and that allowed Italy to invade Ethiopia, Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy to aid Franco to overthrow the Spanish Republic, and Japan to invade China, killing millions of chinese just for fun. And Turkey killed one million of Armenians. And in due time, 20 years later they were confronted with another war with 100 million people dead or wounded. Just for lack of agreement on a League of Nations.
After the Second World War by the Chart of San Francisco was created the United Nations, and the coalition that triumphed: France, England, United States, Soviet Union and China were the principal leaders. Although they had been allies in defeating Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Imperialist Japan, they never were in agreement. Worse than that those were the countries that had power of veto, so what one of them proposed was rejected by any other. The result: Corea`s War.
Now you have a second case: disagreement between former allies.
There were many types of unions, coalitions, pacts, namely for example The North AtlanticTreaty or N.A.T.O., by Western Europe and the United States, and the Warsaw Pact of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, confronted against each other and inside themselves. So now you find that between allies and confronted by a common enemy there is no agreement.
There are many other reason why people can`t get together to solve worlds problems, because most of the time they can`t solve problems in a much minor scale: race, religion, color of skin, tribal fights...
As for money matters is much simpler: every country wants to sell and get a profit, but doesn`t want to buy, not even on credit, and be a debtor.
In a much smaller scale think of discussions about any matter in a school, a sport, owners against workers, trade unios or syndicates against industries or commerces, political parties and inside them, who gets in front or a nomination.
People will never agree because every one of us thinks that he has the best opinion or knowledge and that his opponent is clearly a stupid.

Because the human condition has some tragic aspects that will always be impossible to solve.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

That's because we don't all share the same view of what we perceive to be the "world's problems".
Those views are as numerous as the hairs on your head (provided your not bald) LOL.