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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you were given these two options which one would you select?

Question:a) Being humble, Lowly, a person of small wishes, a person who is full of contentment without any pressure or worry of other's opinoin of himself/herself. Without any want of ackowledgement and burden of Worldly pleasures.

b) Being rich, smart and beautiful, full of respect from people who keep boasting about himself/herself. With pressures to keep changing himself/herself according to the opinions of others and winning their approval. Always in a state of want. Laughing a huge laughter and ego boast hearing others compliments.

If these were the only two options in your life, which on would you choose?
Thanks for sharing your answers!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: a) Being humble, Lowly, a person of small wishes, a person who is full of contentment without any pressure or worry of other's opinoin of himself/herself. Without any want of ackowledgement and burden of Worldly pleasures.

b) Being rich, smart and beautiful, full of respect from people who keep boasting about himself/herself. With pressures to keep changing himself/herself according to the opinions of others and winning their approval. Always in a state of want. Laughing a huge laughter and ego boast hearing others compliments.

If these were the only two options in your life, which on would you choose?
Thanks for sharing your answers!

i certainly strive for "a," though with the knowledge that our culture/society promotes "b." it's a sad, sad truth.


The poor man is not he who has little, but he who desires what he does not have.

I read that in a fortune cookie years ago and I never forgot it.

Being "full of contentment" sounds pretty idyllic, doesn't it?

I think I already chose Situation A.

I would chose A. To me that would be the happier life style.

A, sounds like the ideal human condition. b sounds like a movie stars life, conditioned to cover up suffering.

peace and love

Situation A after all if i never wanted anything more why in the world would i ever need all the money and stuff and people talking about me?

I didn't have to choose. I am a natural a)

I have already chosen a...

B please. It sounds like more fun than living a life where you are always content and never try to do too much. Besides "worldly pleasures" are a blast!

likewise, naturally A

B) Im rich B*tch,

A!!!! money can't buy happiness or love, but love for yourself, others and a great personality can. I'd rather be happy and not have to worry about being fake or what others think then to be unhappy and have to be someone im not

"For Thine is the Kingdom. the Power and the Glory for Ever and Ever. Amen. I can remember reciting these very words thousands of times in my life. Did I not mean what I said? Oh Yes, I did mean them. Did I live them ? No, not as well as I would have liked to nor as well as I could have. What now ? Not my will, but, thine be done.

B) because you never said i couldnt help others with my money and respect (wich i plan to)

and you said that i keep changing my self to the oppinions of others ( that would make me a balenced person, and the world needs more people like that)

I think I would have chosen B at a different time in my life, but as a senior citizen on the verge of retirement, I'll take A, thank you.

I would choose B, because for the most part, that's what I am right now.

I choose (a) - being full of contentment and without pressure - sounds very good.

On the other hand, the (b) option - always in a state of want - sounds really tiring and ultimately unfulfilling.

It is easy to hate what you a can not have.

So the A's hate the B life and the B's hate the A life.

A if I can live in a library.
B if I can live in a library.