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Position:Home>Philosophy> What do you think of zeitgeist?belive it or think its stupid?


idk if i belive it....what do you guys think about it?

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idk if i belive it....what do you guys think about it?

Part 1 is a mixture of alleged facts, fiction and astrology intended to directly challenge to the foundations of Christianity to the point of being anti-Christian.

If you're a Christian, you'll hate it and find it threatening.

If you are anti-Christian, you may enjoy it.

Part 2 is a collection of 9/11 government conspiracy allegations.

If you believe that sort of thing, you'll feel validated.

If you're looking for something objective and adding insight, you won't find it here.

Part 3 is a collection of anti-Fed conspiracy theory rhetoric.

If you revel in that sort of thing, you'll love it.

If you are learned person in economics or history, you'll be appalled at the lack of regard for factual information.

In summary:

If you like one-sided diatribes on the above topics with little regard for facts, you might enjoy it.

If you're looking for any scholarly insights, you won't find it here.

Here is a web site (under construction) that is collecting rebuttals to the movie:

It is plausible ?

LOVED IT!!!! It totally changed my life and my husbands, we're both seekers of truth. My husband has been Baptist his whole life (28 yrs) and he's starting to question everything he ever thought he knew. Plus he's in the Army, and after seeing that recently, he's questioning his beliefs on the military too. I think everyone should watch it. But don't just take that, do your own research aside from the movie. Smashing Pumpkins new album is titled such, and Billy Corgan doesn't just sing about crap.

Well, luna have a great 15th bday.(cant help it sometimes, went through your questions.)

I am a deist. Ex-christian. Zeitgeist the movie was an interesting movie. But i found it actually pathetic on some parts and even stretched and manipulated too much. There are certain parts that are false, and you can search them simply here, on yahoo answers. Only gullible believe in everything, if you want to question, first question everything around you, even the informant, the movie. ;)

Thanks for asking.

part 1 is excellent. (christianity)
part 2 is conspiracy theory, and there is no evidence to support it (911)
part 3 is good, because based in reality (US foreign and domestic policy)

The movie is quite the eye opener, as it puts to question the fundamentals of religion and society. Most of the statements (including 9/11) are backed up by at least some evidence (keep in mind that 'some' evidences may mean nothing). It is not a movie for someone to believe whole heartedly mind you, despite having credible theories and evidences supporting varying conspiracies; but it is a movie in which one should reflect on and question. It is a great movie, and most can learn something from it.