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Position:Home>Philosophy> WHo Influence your life and WHy?

Question:I would have to say God because he influences me to follow rules and to be good and even though I may make a mistake he forgives me and this influences me to forgive other people for mistakes.

God has the biggest Influence on my life not the only.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I would have to say God because he influences me to follow rules and to be good and even though I may make a mistake he forgives me and this influences me to forgive other people for mistakes.

God has the biggest Influence on my life not the only.

The Buddha, Jesus, Gandhi, Emerson, and a cast of thousands.

They did this by questioning reality and seeing something different.

Love an blessings Don

He wanted me to accept His Son Jesus as my Lord and Savior

ppl around me, u learn the good n the bad n hopefully can distinguish between them and do the good deeds

The Antichrist
You can't help but admire some-one who is good-looking, charismatic, sophisticated AND is trying to make a difference!

your external surrounds influence you in your life such as ur society, the society has laws and from the law you learn what is morraly permissable, but somthing the socity is wrong, which is why some ppl grow up with backward ideals

Everyone has an influence on me.

It is up to me to determine the effect and severity of that influence.

My mother(structure),because she introduced me to family(religion), education(schooling), diversity(treat like you want to be treated0 and ways of enjoying life(entertainment).

My spirit guides, and now contact has been made with my Higher Self. Why?---- for service to seeming others, to the same Self that lives and breathes all.

Guided by the prophet and steered by my family.
