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Question:Does it make you feel safe to believe in god like its ok to die tommorow

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ps. im a athiest

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Does it make you feel safe to believe in god like its ok to die tommorow

please answer

ps. im a athiest

I believe in 0 of the over 10,000 Gods man has created through organized religion. From the earliest poly and pantheistic religions to the monotheistic religions of today.

It's highly psychological. Religion is and always has been based on little more than culture. Around 3/4 of the global population will carry on the beliefs of their parents religousity in some denomination into adulthood. Religoiius indoctrination on the developing mind is incredibly psychological, and even if not directly indotrinated(parental), if born into a culture with a strong religious identity, Hinduism in India, Buddhism in Thailand, Christianity in US/Britain, Islam in Middle East, Shintoism in Japan, Tribal religions in many parts of Africa, etc, etc, the constant influx of religious archetypes on the developing mind can have the same psychological affect..

Religion actually first evolved as polytheistic and pantheistic to explain natural weather phenomena, it has always been an outlet man has used to ease his fears and help him cope, most do need a religion, and that's fine, I just wish tolerance of all religions towards another would increase, as I have said, if anyone here was born in India they would almost certainly be Hindu, in Thailand, Buddhist.

nope and i have answered why about 1,500 times, do your research

I remain undecided on this subject.

yes, i do believe in god, and i think it really does make me feel safe that if i'd die tomorrow, i'd go to heaven. =)

No because I see religion as a boundary and the only way to live the way you want to live it, but it might not always be happy life, but atleast you can explore different possiblities and outcomes, the choice is yours plus science is proving a lot of religions to be a fraud.

nope. People made up god just to calm them self of the fear of death so they can live for the moment. But while they live for the moment they have limits on things like eating meat.

Because you cannot become God, you have to believe and trust God.

I do not believe in "god" or any other dieties. I believe in the Forces of Nature and their effects on us all and everything in the universe. I had the Bible crammed down my throat for nearly 20 yrs and spent another 15yrs studying other religions and finally decided to decide for myself. I am not afraid to die, but i still want every breath of this life! I also believe in living more than one life. I dont think this one is the first and I dont think it will be the last. Good Luck!!

No I belive its all about karma.Also its in your soul where the changes have to be made.Its not like god is your parent and if you clean the house and do the yard work. You can go to the mall.You can't ( with loathing in your heart) do charity and help people and save a kitten and give money to charity organizations , and look uop at "god" and be like "Hey, look at me I'm good right. While in your heart you are bitter at giving up your time and money and think about hurting and f-ing and stuff. It s about a true desire for good and love in your heart,, but also thats not enough. You can;'t (say while somebody's getting beat up outside your room) sit in your room and pray and fell love and never come out and do anything. it works both ways and its about karma and a loving soul.Not to say christianity is wrong but every christian i know say "read the book of John" Why don't we just have a book of john instead of the bible.forget the whole mentality of "oops, i sinned ,Father Forgive me, I totally belive in Jesus, O.k. my work is done." and thamn think in your head (hypothetically I am saying this) I f-ing hate my boss, man what I wouldn't give to f him up" You know it's real genuine love through and through that gets you to heaven or at the least a happy life here and on through the next.Anyways god seems pretty impartial to our suffering to me. I think its karma which seems unfair(as you can't remeber past life) but really it isn't ,I guess.

I don't believe in god, just like I don't believe in Big foot.

Joseph & Son.
No job to large and none to small, we are open twentyfour seven,
Except Sundays.


If you base everything on chance or fluke, logically it does not make sense, as it does not make sense if one can claim that from zero (total emptiness) can create other number/numbers. Zero is Zero, and there has to be a 1, to give way for other numbers to proceed after it.

These questions are asked over and over and people still bother to answer them(even with long answers)??

i do and that is how i know he isnt real it is just like using the same language as others until death i want to know how to use my voice becuase it seems to have more power than my thoughts and i am not talking about singing

I do not believe in the monotheism god, since god should be almighty and loving then why does he have to judge who is going to be in hell and who not? Being buddhist, i understood that there are many other supernatural beings out there, but their purpose is doing great values to humankind, to help us getting out of the suffering, the rebirth in the next life and bring calmness and peace to the world! But they are NOT God!

look at the car engine. intricate parts, complicated machinary.
fomulated instruments forged together to create a very useful machine.
look at the universe. the rotation of the world. tha spining axis of the other planets
the way tha sun comes up and down
tha way the moon switched positions with the sun
tha way tha salt water bounces off of the saltless water, never mixing.
tha way humans/animals and all earthly life and the universe have simular cosmic structures
tha way planets rotate around the sun, never colliding off of there elipses. tha way identicle twins have different DNA (why?)
I can keep going on. Why are u asking this question?
When there is signs all around us that gives evidence that there is a SUPREME BEING overseeing all. research tha universe. read the Qur'an, BIble watever

And yes it makes u feel safe But people that choose to believe in GOD are suppose to be humble because of the Heaven/Hell aspect of living and dying. Its understandable and very easy to comprehend....Live a humble and unselfish life. Care 4 people and Ur gud

Understand the fact of our existence leaves us with only two possibilities.
God or Evolution.
We are either created by intelligence OR
It's possible for energy/mater, random chance & natural selection to create intelligence. (aka Evolution)


If there is no God, then Evolution MUST be possible. AND
If evolution is possible than it is possible for God to evolve.

So yes, I beleive it is a virtual impossibility that something we could not tell from God exists. I also accept the notion of God Actual, the idea that the logic of the universe may arise from an over all intellegence. But the I must agree with the athiests that the "God your loving friend" seems a bit contrived. (Of course I'd rather my kids were happy deluded belivers than emo athiests)

I play the life game not because there is a point to playing it, but because there is no point in not playing. I don't fear my eventual death because fear is for things you can change.

As Einstein said - the universe is too well ordered for it all to happen by chance. He wouldn't admit to a God or a supreme being responsible. I would go that step and say I believe a God created it.

It depends upon which 'God' you are referring to. If it's the one that's supposed to have created us and is supposed to care for us and protect us, then, no, because if he really did exist how could he be such a sneaky, murderous freak, to inflict such horrendous and traumatic pain and suffering upon us, that we have to endure and experience all the days of our short lives? And, if he was so 'perfect', why are there so many major imperfections evident in our world?
But if you are referring to a 'master of the universe and all that's beyond it' and Caretaker/God of our souls/spirits when we die, then I can accept that as a feasible possibility, supported by my inability to comprehend the reason for and the limits of the universe, and some of the 'inexplicable' phenomenon I have experienced throughout my life, including a very frightening and very real, 'Out Of Body' one.
Basically, given all the 'evidence' currently available, from the total lack of supporting intermediatory (links between speices) fossil evidence, and the apparent 'clearing' of the 'nastier' Dinosaurs and preparation of this planet for human habitation, as just the tip if the iceburg of indicative evidence of 'Intelligent Involvement' in human origin on this Earth, that is far more 'feasibly' acceptable, to me, than the "Goo to You" theory of evolution, despite it's huge following of 'faithful' but 'blinkered' believers. And the totallly, 'UN-God -like, collossal 'imperfections' etc, that we have to endure and struggle through in our daily lives, also rules out there being an omnipotent, all-caring, all-loving, all-protecting 'perfect' creator, as being a 'feasible' explanation of our origin. The only mistake 'Creationists' make in their, "Intelligent Design" theory, which, imo, is far more, evidence backed and acceptable than the theory of evolution, is that they've got the wrong 'creator'!! That the evidence points to 'Intelligent Design' has now, got to be accepted. That everything shows signs of 'human-type' errors and imperfections, must also be accepted. Therefore, the evidence points to the possibility of us having been 'created' by other 'human beings', who are incredibly advanced, by MILLIONS of years (given the infinite age of the universe and the trillions of other life bearing planets out there) extra terrestrials. They would, even now in our more advanced state, appear as 'Gods' to us, so incomprehensibly technologically and spiritually advanced that they must be.
Needless to say, but our ET creators, albeit with life spans of possibly thousands of years (and we're heading that way too!) would, as 'Earthbound' beings, also be subject to the same God of the Universe as we are.
And there I'll have to leave it for fears that I am suggesting too much too soon, or boring the 'chit' out of you, despite there being many, many more, extremely interesting and thought provoking points to support what I've mentioned above.