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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is to be blind ?

Question:thinking about it , if a human being could see 100% of what is in his sight (protons,neutrons,electrons,EVERYTHING) he would see so much at once that he wouldn't see anything at all !
quote "too much is often as worst as not enough" therefore there is a vital need for balance.....
my question is : is blindness seeing too much or not enough ?
thx 2 all

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: thinking about it , if a human being could see 100% of what is in his sight (protons,neutrons,electrons,EVERYTHING) he would see so much at once that he wouldn't see anything at all !
quote "too much is often as worst as not enough" therefore there is a vital need for balance.....
my question is : is blindness seeing too much or not enough ?
thx 2 all

Aldous Huxley described the mind as a kind of reverse faucet, that let's only a little bit of information in at a time, lest, as you suggest we would drown in too much information.

Here's another thought to consider. So much of how we see the world is based on our bicameral vision and sound. Our two eyes, by being forward directed and parallel, allow us to perceive of this thing called perspective. Imagine, instead, if we had an optical sensor, or set of sensors, that saw in all directions.

All of our standard concepts of perspective, parallax, distance and size would need to be reinterpreted. We would possibly have so much visual stimulous that the sheer processing of the information would make it hard to move around.

Yours is the most interesting question I've seen here all day.

Glad that some minds are functioning out there.

I think that quote means that seeing things as they are is the bad thing about seeing too much. But being blind is not seeing enough, but it can both be a blessing and a curse.