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Position:Home>Philosophy> What's your reason for existence....woul it be sooooo bad if you died...?

Question:People live for no reason why....?the only thing people can do life is die.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: People live for no reason why....?the only thing people can do life is die.

How ungrateful, with all the beauty God has given you, you are supposed to do the best you can , with what God has given you!

It's absolutely false that people live for no reason.

Why do you still get up in the morning if you believe that people live for no reason but to die? Then kill yourself!

I think of that very same question every day.

there are infinite reasons to live for....LOVE-HATE,ie.
every single individual has an errand.must be achieved
it is bad for some people, if i die.they will suffer because they couldn't help to not get attached to me
this is how it goes

no id get to sleep.

Well, personally....I live for the love I hold for other people and the love that they hold for me. If I died it wouldn't be so bad for me...because I wouldn't know anything...I'd be dead. But for the people that love e, it might be a problem.

How bad can it be if you die and go to Heaven??

i'm sure my family and friends wouldnt like it if i died...i didnt like it when my dad died...there are a lot of things a person can do in life...what do you have a it to the fullest or set back and do nothing and waste away...if you do..please stay away from the people that want to have fun and move on...

Really, that's your assessment. There is no one that lives for no reason. And guess what....all of you will die including you.

I hope to change the world for the better

I have a very precise reason for living(or a list rather.)
To see the world, save the world, change the world, find love, and write my memoirs. After that, I'll gladly move on to the next phase of conscious existence.

we are born to die

The fact that you are still here is testament to the fact that you don't really believe that.

if even the falling of a leaf has a reason, how much more our existence? we are to celebrate and enjoy life, living it to the fullest. you commit mistakes, take it as it is, you learn, you grow, you share. It can just be a cycle. death is something i am not afraid of but its something that i am not prepared to anytime soon. I still would want to see my daughter develop, grow old, have a family. if i have already accomplish everything i have planned then it wouldnt be bad

I believe (the following statement contains my opinions and thoughts, don't become offended =]) that you're here for a reason, that everything in life is planned down to the people that you accidentally bump into at the carnival, let's say, and never ever see again. Even if you don't know it, you've made some sort of a mark on that person's life.
I guess it's the ripple effect. If, let's say, your grandma dies. Your mom commits suicide before you were born, thus you were never born. See? Maybe your mom's purpose in life was to have you. That never happened, so her purpose was never fulfilled.There is a reason, but maybe its beyond human comprehension and we do have a purpose on this earth and we will never find out what until we do die.
The thing that people don't realize is that maybe we DO have a purpose in life that you don't know until you're dead. And no one on this earth has died and told the tale about what happens in the afterlife. I guess we just have to wait.

whats the reason for non-existence?

why do you think that the only thing people can do in life is to die? when theirs so much you can isn't living without enjoying.

the wise man knows he dose not know everything.