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Position:Home>Philosophy> I wish i no one in the world could cry.....what are your wish(es)?

Question:~~ I wish more people in the world could cry. Then instead of hardening their hearts and not caring,maybe they would make a positive change in our world,for those who need some help. The first step in helping other people or animals is to be able to know & feel their pain. Then lend a hand and when you dry their tears,you'll dry your own. ~~

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ~~ I wish more people in the world could cry. Then instead of hardening their hearts and not caring,maybe they would make a positive change in our world,for those who need some help. The first step in helping other people or animals is to be able to know & feel their pain. Then lend a hand and when you dry their tears,you'll dry your own. ~~

I wish that I could have infinity wishes so I can use all of them and give some to others too! I wish that you could give me best answer.

Could cry? Or would need to cry?

My wish is selfish...I want a do-over. I want to go back to the age of 17, and try again, knowing what I know at 57. I have a lot of mistakes to correct.

i wish people would try and comprehend other people's emotions. i really don't like it when people treat me badly, and i don't do it to them. maybe, what i think, is that they don't care about your own emotions.

I wish, that is to say, I Pray that no one would have a reason to cry.

I wish we could love each other openly and be able to be physically loving towards everyone we love, including teachers and superiors instead of having to be "respectful" and keep "boundaries".

i wish we werent so dedicated to make wars, poverty, and slander things in the media, i wish that humans werent so cruel or fearful, but nobodies perfect i guess,

When you wish for no one to cry, I'm assuming that you mean solely tears resulting from pain... By extension I assume you want there to be no more pain, rather than no more crying... would I be wrong to assume these things?

I wish that people would not wish for things like this, and I'll tell you why.

First of all, crying is not always the result of pain. Sometimes tears come as the result of overwhelming joy. Does your wish encompass those tears as well?

Secondly, pain is a great teacher. Suffering is one of the primary ways we humans learn from our mistakes. Sure, to some of those uneducated, suffering may seem inexcusable or even unjust considering certain circumstances... but that doesn't erase the fact that we learn from mistakes and pain. Do you want people to stop learning things?

Third, crying is merely an expression. In other words, an outward manifestation of inward thoughts and feelings. It is the expression of an emotion. Would you like people to stop feeling or having emotions altogether?

Perhaps I am being too forward, but wishing that people wouldn't have cause to cry is a huge presupposition. You are wishing too many things without giving most of it any thought, and most of your wish entails a negative perspective on crying.

I, for one, do not wish that people would have no reason to cry. Actually, I wish that people would learn the lessons they are crying about, assuming they're pain related lessons, the first time. If someone shed tears of joy, then I wish them the best.

Honestly, if there was no pain or suffering in the world, you would not have any appreciation for anything good in your life. Tears augment the good things in the most basic way. For example, I appreciate the way my wife loves me more now than I would if I have never had a bad relationship experience. I appreciate and love my wife more because we have been through some difficult times together... those times, often filled with tears, make my life and my relationship with her that much better... you catch my drift? Tears make the good things more meaningful because we have experienced the tears.

I think crying is good. It helps people release emotion when they need to. Its a normal human response and we would not be human if we didn't go through some type of suffering at some point in our lives.