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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it socially or physically dangerous to answer yahoo questions. Can I keep doi

Question:I have heard it said that the computer has made it possible to isolate ourselves and become depressed or morph into a lunatic or something else more or less as unattractive and unappealing.. .Is this true? Are we who spend four or six or more hours a day staring at the screen warping our intellects , diminishing our chances of finding meaningful relationships and curving our spines into pretzels? Will we ever get jobs or a life?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have heard it said that the computer has made it possible to isolate ourselves and become depressed or morph into a lunatic or something else more or less as unattractive and unappealing.. .Is this true? Are we who spend four or six or more hours a day staring at the screen warping our intellects , diminishing our chances of finding meaningful relationships and curving our spines into pretzels? Will we ever get jobs or a life?

It's all how you look at it.

Theory you could become a silicone based life forms ?

ghosts in the machine

that is true in some cases. but only if you let it over take you. some people are truly addicted to the Internet and using their computer. i have a job and i am a mother of 4 and i am a wife. i work, i sleep, i eat, i work out at the gym, i spend endless hours with my family, talk on the phone, and go out and do things in the community. i also use the Internet. i love yahoo answers, i use it quite frequently and other Internet programs, but i don't let it over run my life. its all a matter of choice. just like everything in life.

I find this question very challenging.

If the persons intention were to do nothing but to sit his *** all day in a chair and do the computer, then yes. However, if the person has a good intention, like research, assignments, reports, business, or anythng like that, then NO.
I have a sister you see (tomboy), she quit school at grade 5 elementary. She never went to high school, though we tried to force her. Then after a decade she entered a medical school (caregiver), but not surprisingly stopped it also. And now she's just irritating because she spends most of the time surfing the net. She's 25 and has no job and clearly doesn't want to have one. She is dangerous because she gets furious and explodes anger to anyone who disturbs her. Sometimes (everyday) I want to whack her in the head with a bat because it's just too much. Comparing herself to me when obviously she's retarded.

So, it is upto you whether to stay in the computer all day with no good intention or have one. It really depends upon the person whether to let him/her get depressed or morph. It's like a beer. If you drink more than you ought to have then you let yourself be consumed.

The key is good intentions.

Well, if we get off our asses and do the things we need to do instead of sitting in front of computer screens day in and day out, we won't turn into shriveling masses of gross.
I say yay to the people who are turning into lunatics and whatnot because they are contributing to the decrease of world overpopulation - if they die quickly that is. Excuse me if that sounds barbaric, but it's true.

it's all up to you. i think you'd be pretty aware if you were becoming like that, just step back for a moment sometimes, see whats around you, the way your life is, and you decide what to do. if things went too far, it might be harder to go back to connecting with others in the real world around you, but i'd say just stop yourself sometimes from spending so much time online (if you do) . "Will we ever get jobs or a life?" do those goals seem far away to you? really think about how far they are and the possibility of actually doing them, if that seems too distant or hard, i think you should start to try and help yourself. if this is really worrying you, or from the way you asked the question, it seems like you've lost touch slightly on the natural ways and emotions of humans. if things are too hard, or if its hard to step back in the real world right in front of you sometimes, talk to someone about it, i'd say from some experience it's the best thing to do, think about what you could do to change your life.
good luck

I spend no more than two hours a day here (my personal time limit) and sometimes don't log on for days or weeks at a time. Take it in moderation and you'll be all right.

my friends play wow 10 hours a day, i know what you mean

I'm more concerned about what is happening presently to the social, or intelectual club, we got going right here and now...

A lot of my contacts of old have been taking sabbatical's from answer's that I pray, might return, but to some it doesn't seem likely...

And I'm not sure if it's due to emails, my answer's, or trolls that have discouraged them....


But to the point, sadly for most of us, if we didn't have the internet, we might not interact with anyone at all....for some that may have been enough for some of us to be forced to interact with the real world(which we all do, to some degree or another, if we're honest right??), but it also provides us philosophy-geeks cross-training for 'real' social-situations right?

I've only been a member since November of 2007, and had a fun time with the likes of Mtheory, Sly Fox, TC...and the like, and to have to pray for the old days, that was just months ago...seems sad to do in real-time, but is the nature of the beast in cyber-time....So I hear the spirit of your sermon, and crave that one day in reality, I could meet the giants of answers I listed above, but sadly may never get the

Till then, I'll keep seeking, wether it's answers, or some other forum, I must find equal-peers to challenge's in arms.....I pray once again that my past brother's-in-arms would ressurect to the scene, and once again say...We are here once again to do battle...and let by-gones be by-gones if their truly were any...Ahh the days of '07, how I missed them so... Helping prove the existence of God...and such....but that is a tale of the past....See Mtheory for the old days of glory..gents...

A summons of old till that day, and to others willing to take up the cross of tolerance and the like...I welcome....but do take your lead from those metioned above..