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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can you give me examples of critical thinking?

Question:There are three lamps in a closed off room. In front of you are three light switches. You need to figure out which light switch goes to which lamp. The challenge: you can only leave one light switch on when you go into the room. You have to guess which light switch goes to which lamp your first time in the room. No peaking! Choose me as BA if you want to know the answer.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There are three lamps in a closed off room. In front of you are three light switches. You need to figure out which light switch goes to which lamp. The challenge: you can only leave one light switch on when you go into the room. You have to guess which light switch goes to which lamp your first time in the room. No peaking! Choose me as BA if you want to know the answer.

Critical thinking is any kind of analysis that requires thinking beyond what's tangibly there.

For example, analyzing not only what it is said, but why its said

Critical thinking would be your opinion on something based upon what you have learned such as why do you not put certain products on wet hair compared to dry hair and then that answer would be your critical thinking.

Critical thinking.. Here is an example..

Adam went to Mary's house.

The obvious is that adam went to marys house. However you could speculate why he went, how he went, when he went. It's all critical. Trying to think above and beyond what has been stated or given.

Yes. I am, at this moment, taking the exact words that you wrote, "Can you give me examples of critical thinking?" and, by going beyond the scope of the literal, I am inferring that you either need help with homework or are interested in learning more about a beautiful ability of humans. People often mistake the ability to analyze, infer, and go beyond simply what is written or presented (critical thinking) with a paraphrasing or restating of the material (summaraizing). Hope this helps!

Oh no the reactors going critical, we have to think of something!!!!!!!!!

Like thinking about Osama bin Laden ?