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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the wisest thing to do in your life?

Question:*Falling in love, no matter how long it takes to find "true" love.

*Laughing so hard your cheeks and face hurt.

*Take some "me" time to do what makes you feel good...get a tan, work-out, high-lights, whatever it takes to make you feel better and help you stay motivated..My motto, "You look better, You FEEL better."

*Crank your favorite song on the radio in your car and sing to it no matter who sees you. Get INTO the song.

*Lie in bed and listen to the rain outside, snuggle with your pillow, blankie, and slippers on a gray, cloudy day out watching movies...catch up on chores double-time tomorrow.

*Giggle. A LOT! No matter what. Do it in good taste and appropriately, but it quicks out the endorphines and we need those to keep our brain/mood in a "Happy Place." Naturally.

*Laugh at yourself. You gotta be able to laugh at yourself in circumstances as if "you" were the OBSERVER. When you can do that, it is funny as hell, "WHATCHING your self in your minds eye...Trip and fall.

*Run through the sprinklers, just once...

*Laugh for absolutely no reason at all.

*Tell someone they are beautiful, once you do it, whether you do it to a man or a woman, and mean it, YOU will know why this is wise.

*Make new friends or spend time with old ones.

*Play with a new baby straight from Heaven.

* Never lose your Sweet Dreams, keep them in your mind's eye

*Another wise thing to do is take a road trip with friends..

*MY PERSONAL FAVORITE: Swing on a swing

*Make eye contact with a cute stranger.

*Make chocolate chip cookies.

*Hold hands with someone you care about.

*Running into an old friend and realize that some
things never change.

*Pay attention to the expression on someone's face as they open a much desired present from you.

*Watch the sunrise.

*Get out of bed every morning and be grateful
for another beautiful day.

*When you miss someone, let them know it.

*Getting a hug from someone you care about deeply.

* Knowing you've done the right thing, no matter what
other people think.

I think that those are the wisest things so far in my life to do...what about the rest of you? Thanks for letting me share.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: *Falling in love, no matter how long it takes to find "true" love.

*Laughing so hard your cheeks and face hurt.

*Take some "me" time to do what makes you feel good...get a tan, work-out, high-lights, whatever it takes to make you feel better and help you stay motivated..My motto, "You look better, You FEEL better."

*Crank your favorite song on the radio in your car and sing to it no matter who sees you. Get INTO the song.

*Lie in bed and listen to the rain outside, snuggle with your pillow, blankie, and slippers on a gray, cloudy day out watching movies...catch up on chores double-time tomorrow.

*Giggle. A LOT! No matter what. Do it in good taste and appropriately, but it quicks out the endorphines and we need those to keep our brain/mood in a "Happy Place." Naturally.

*Laugh at yourself. You gotta be able to laugh at yourself in circumstances as if "you" were the OBSERVER. When you can do that, it is funny as hell, "WHATCHING your self in your minds eye...Trip and fall.

*Run through the sprinklers, just once...

*Laugh for absolutely no reason at all.

*Tell someone they are beautiful, once you do it, whether you do it to a man or a woman, and mean it, YOU will know why this is wise.

*Make new friends or spend time with old ones.

*Play with a new baby straight from Heaven.

* Never lose your Sweet Dreams, keep them in your mind's eye

*Another wise thing to do is take a road trip with friends..

*MY PERSONAL FAVORITE: Swing on a swing

*Make eye contact with a cute stranger.

*Make chocolate chip cookies.

*Hold hands with someone you care about.

*Running into an old friend and realize that some
things never change.

*Pay attention to the expression on someone's face as they open a much desired present from you.

*Watch the sunrise.

*Get out of bed every morning and be grateful
for another beautiful day.

*When you miss someone, let them know it.

*Getting a hug from someone you care about deeply.

* Knowing you've done the right thing, no matter what
other people think.

I think that those are the wisest things so far in my life to do...what about the rest of you? Thanks for letting me share.

The wisest thing to do is to hold true to yourself, and not deny your beliefs for anyone. I don't mean not to learn and grow, but don't deny who and what you are to "fit in."

Avoid putting yourself in situations that could KILL YOU.

to live it the way you want (without hurting or screwing others in the process.) pretty much what the other person said, be true to yourself.

Do not live for an afterlife; live now. This is the only life we know we have, so wasting your life thinking you will get what you want in the afterlife is a true waste.

Find a way to make the world better for you being here.
Reach out and meet a lot of different interesting people.

The wisest thing you can do is allow God to lead you to wisdom. Searching for wisdom is something she wants of you and if you do truly search for her she will allow you to find her, and she will allow to to keep rediscovering her.
Once found she will slip away leaving the lesson for you and again, you have to go searching for her and she will allow you to find her. Once you've learned her lesson then again she will slip away from you and place herself where you can find her, again and again and again all your life she will be with you as long as you keep searching for her lessons. Ultimately upon your death she will lead you to GOD..........

"To thy own Self be true" Shakespeare. + follow your dreams and instinct with integrity .

LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST, which may take any form you wish.

I dont know. There's just too many corners of life that it makes it hard to choose. But I always say, the only thing that matter is to be happy and feel good about the self. So if you strive to achieve that. I'd say its the wisest thing you will ever do.

I do not think there is an actual one shoe size fits all, but you can choose perhaps one of the wisest things to do.

The best thing is when you need help....ask for help.
When you need to question, then question.
When you need to rest, for goodness sake rest, listen to your body and mind.
When you need to be loved, tell someone and do not wait to be loved.
When you need to take a chance, maybe take ll never know till you try.
Be as true to yourself as possible and listen to your guidance.

Wisdom is doing what you know is right and not just knowing what is right and not doing it. It is wise to take action on the things you know are right .

Let God into your life.

Be yourself.

Accept Jesus Christ as your savior and give your life to God. Think of it this way - if it is true that He exists (and I believe He does) - then you have nothing to lose and everything to gain - if it turns out that He doesn't exists (which I will never believe) then you have lost nothing anyway. So either way - you win! But if you don't believe and He does exists - then you have lost everything!

listen to your own drum, follow those little voices telling you your dreams, use ur mind to explore yourself then enter the world take what u want from it, dont hold onto foolish human roles, traditions, the norm, we will all die soon. we only have our creative open youthful minds

Not overanalyse everything .. accept things for the way they are and that sometimes there is no definite answer.

Being religious i.e., God fearing & neutral.

Use wisdom the best of your ability...