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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does companionship and friendship make people good?

Question:what are the benefits of having friends or not???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what are the benefits of having friends or not???

'A friend doubles the happiness, halves the sadness.'

I believe people are social animals. We are independant beings, however we cannot live without interacting with others. Quite contradicting really. People say the happiest time is being with someone. Family, friends, etc.

There was a scientfic research that concluded that it is 30 times more likely to laugh when you are in a crowd with friends, with someone etc. This i think literally means happiness is more impacting when shared.

When people are hurt, depressed, disappointed, people seek others for help. So he/she can reveal his/her agony. Psychological 'scar' i think can only be healed through people. Thats why friends, and family, or even psychologists, counsellers are there to help and listen to the hurt one. ;)

Thanks for asking.

Companionship and friendship make people who are already good and kind into even better people. Life is enhanced through the experience of connecting with others.

Good parents and teachers make good people. Friends and companions just share their goodness.