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Position:Home>Philosophy> Whats one thing you want to do before you die??

Question:Something that you have always wanted to do but never have. Something that would complete your life and you just have to do it before you die!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Something that you have always wanted to do but never have. Something that would complete your life and you just have to do it before you die!

I want to be able to look back at what I've done and achieved and be happy with myself...

...being able to move to L.A. and shop until I die would be quite satisfying too.

I don't know that any one thing would "complete my life" at this point. Maybe I'm still too young to think in those terms. One thing I would really like to do is travel around the world and see many different countries and experience many different cultures. This seems like a far off goal right now, since I have four little kids and travel is near impossible!

Go to Africa

Find as many soul mates as possible. Indulge in spiritual epiphanies. Taste a piece of love from the divine.

marry a millionaire.

travel around the world and not fear for my life in some of these places because I am different from others.

not be there when it happens - woody allen

What I do requires continuity and there is no completion. My life's experiences are a process. One day leads into another. I would wish it to go on forever but knowing this is not possible I would I hope that if death is not sudden then I would hope to have the fortitude to let go gracefully.