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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why did my friend say that love is conditional because you wouldn't go with

Question:she say love IS conditional because you have limitations of what you would tolerate from people

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: she say love IS conditional because you have limitations of what you would tolerate from people

If a person won't stay with someone who cheats, they may still love that person; they just won't continue to go out with them. It's not the love that's conditional, but whether you stay with a person. Two different things.

But your friend's right. No matter how reasonable a condition may be, it's still a condition. If you won't go out with a cheater, that's a condition. It's not a bad thing. Would your friend go out with a serial rapist, or a 700-pound man with no job? Seriously -- those are conditions, too.

The only unconditional love is that of a parent for a child, no matter how old that 'child' may be.

Love is true. The reason? Love is one of those things that no one can pin down. We each define it differently depending on our ideas of what love is and is not supposed to be.
We fall in and out of love all the time. We revise our concepts of what it is it that overwhelming sexual passion? The deep, spiritual connection? Is it wildly passionate or the "comfy slippers" man that just fits? Is it romantic or is it steady, secure?
You see...conditional.

Love is indeed conditional.People like to use the word love is unconditional because it sounds good. It makes one feel a sense of security. But I havent met one person who could love unconditionally. Not even a parent towards her child.

Unconditional love is something that only puppies and God feels for us. Humans judge each other constantly, and with good reason. Some humans are downright cruel, and it is very difficult to love people who like to torture others. It's also difficult to love people who completely neglect their responsibilities by being completely drunk all the time. And it is very hard to love people who are throwing bombs at you.

well she said it because it's what she believes

but that could be very true

depending how you look at it and the situation

Love is conditional.
Everyone is selfish to some extent.

Love is subjective, not objective in nature.
You love SOMEBODY.
You don't love just ANYBODY, or EVERYBODY.
That is a definitive condition on its own.

Love is unconditional.
anything conditional isn't really love.