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Position:Home>Philosophy> What do you want to be remembered for when you die?

Question:What people remember us for, wouldn't matter to us once we are dead.... it would matter though, so long as we are alive. Hence the cut and dry answer to your question is that I honestly couldn't care less what people remember me for after my death, or whether they do remember me at all.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What people remember us for, wouldn't matter to us once we are dead.... it would matter though, so long as we are alive. Hence the cut and dry answer to your question is that I honestly couldn't care less what people remember me for after my death, or whether they do remember me at all.

I wish to be remembered for how I lived.
I wish to be remembered for the feats I accomplished.
I wish to be remembered for the sacrifices I made.
I wish to be remembered for the people I loved.
I wish to be remembered for choosing the right over the wrong.
I wish to be remembered for always pushing my limits.
I wish to be remembered for never being afraid to try.
I wish to be remembered for my flaws as well as my virtues.
I wish to be remembered for trying to make a difference.
I wish to be remembered for how I lived.

why do you want to be remembered for when you die ....
and only during the dying time ;-)

Being a genuine guy who made a difference

I want to be remembered as the person who helped bring the Middle East to stability and peace between Israel and its neighbors. I will find a way to do it eventually, it just takes a mass movement of people to become more interested and demanding from their representatives!!

This is quite an amazing goal I set for myself and I hope that I succeed but most likely I will fail because Israel and its neighbors don't seem to want real peace any time soon.

Anyways, if that fails, I would like to be remembered as a good person who tried his best in life!

All the good things.

It doesn't matter what they remember. It matters what knowledge I take with me when i go.

I want to be remembered as someone who did something with their life that made a difference. I don't care if I was famous or not for what I did. As long as the people I knew remembered and respected me for what good I did in my lifetime.

A wise,intelligent,genuine and humorous person to whom his self-respect and dignity was of utmost importance

I would like to be remembered being ''ME''

That I spread a little sunshine,laughed a lot,took things in my stride.continued learning up till the day I died.Did the best with what I was given.
Sounds like an eulogy.--the old girl hasn't croaked yet.Better go and call a friend, tell a joke,read a book,budget my finances, so that eulogy can be true.Nothing worse at a funeral then when they say how great the person was and everyone knows it is a crock of ---you know what.

I want to be remembered as a person who made her mark on the world. I want to make a difference. Some people say they don't want anybody crying for them when they die, but I do. I want to be worth crying over by my death. I want to be remembered for my courage and my bravery and my wit. This is going to sound stupid, but I want to be remembered as having awesome clothes and style. I want to be remembered not for being nice to everyone (because that's boring and also because I'm not) but for being myself and yet still being a good person. I want to be remembered for helping people. For being selfless--assuming I can be like that some day. But most of all, I just want to be remembered. Period. Just being plain remembered would be enough.

Nothing at all.

For being able to fully maintain my anonymity.


I lost a daughter 24 years ago to bone cancer. She was just eleven. It was important to her that she be remembered. Not for anything, just remembered by us.

I suppose we all want to make an imprint on our friends and family's, It would be sad to think that when I die all memory of me would be just as suddenly erased. Eventually I will disappear but receding into time is a process like my life is. If I had celebrity aspirations and had accomplished any kind of great work, then it would be obvious that my invention, discovery, composition, tome of witty political articles and/or mathematical wisdom be collected and restored but since I am only me. Perhaps my great beauty could be remembered or my unforgettable three eyes.

I want some physical law, or scientific discovery named after me. At the very least I would like a memorial garden.