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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is your principle in life and why?

Question:Live life to the fullest, do what you want, only you have the power to make things happen.

I do really like the idea of fate as well, and often put things down to the chance.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Live life to the fullest, do what you want, only you have the power to make things happen.

I do really like the idea of fate as well, and often put things down to the chance.

Never get comfortable.

It helps when bad things happen. Not being so ridged that any one thing breaks me. It also helps my drive to achieve, always wanting to be better at something than I currently am.

Find sacred in the ordinary and joy in a small task.

Love because you can.

Encourage wonder.

Compliment whenever you can.

Trying to understand myself, how I relate to the world, and thinking or pondering on the many questions of life. Why… I suppose it could be existentialism.

believe every thing is for a reason, that we don't know the reason most of the time until we die. i like what sardonic wrote ditto that wise answer!

Set your sights and don't let the naysayers knock you off course.


i don't usually believe in stuff like this, but experience has led me to believe that everything happens for a reason. I live by this priciple. If i lose (for example) £5 on the street, i'll think it happened for a reason. Some people think this is just a cop out (a way of blaming my misfortune on something else), but i want to think it's just fate


My life consists of "each and everyday" when I am let by almighty GOD to be alive. So, my life-principle does not not differ very much from those everyday-principle. I try my best to follow them to make my life a little better. To cut the story short, let me order them in brief....
1. As soon I get up I swear not to make anybody humiliated and hurt;
2. To contribute as much and best as possible for the people I meet;
3. do everything to help others and bring a little hope
4. not to lie un-necessarily
5. live freely and let other practise the same
6. not to earn at any cost ( and give a part of earnings to others)
7. maintain a pure life with a value system
8. listen and learn from others , regardless whoever he or she is;
and may be not the last but to mention one of the important thing I follow is
9. try to respect my parents, family members and above all elders and my teachers.

Often I am misleaded but always try to keep these as my life principle(s)

Why ?
because I wish to live for one more day... the nextday.

We must do the things we think we cannot do.