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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think your soul mate is out there?

Question:If so, do you think they could be anywhere in the world? That would make it pretty hard to find them.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If so, do you think they could be anywhere in the world? That would make it pretty hard to find them.

I honestly think everybody has a soul mate, and yes they could be ANYWHERE in the world, but it would be too easy to just be able to find them.. So thats why i think people go thorugh bad relationships before they every find their soul mate. that way you can realize what you have in front of you.. But i also think many people will never find there soul mate, which really does suck... hope this helps

I think my soul mate is out there somewhere.But dont let my wife find out.

To me we are all a part of the same unified entity.

This makes everyone our soul mate. The idea that we have only one is the same idea that keeps us blind to the truth.

Love and blessings Don

soulmates? erm tbh i dont really believe in soulmates. i dont think theres dat one person destined for evry1. i mean if he/she is in another country then wat r ur chances of finding them. na i dont like the idea of that

That's the thing about a soul mate... you don't have to go looking for them. You just meet them one day. There are two ways of looking at it:

1) Optimistic: It's meant to be. No matter what you do, you will end up with that person. You could make different choices, but don't worry, fate will still cross your path with the one you're meant to be with.

2) Pessimistic: There is only one possible outcome because of all the choices and experiences you've had. You will end up with this one person: happy or not.

Whatever you believe, never stay with someone you aren't truly happy with. Keep looking...he/she is out there.

I was single after a yucky relationship for a long time - had decided that i'd rather be on my own and happy than "settle". One starry night, I looked up to the heavens and said "Im ready". A few months later, and with some interesting choices to make, I ended up moving from Canada and living in England with my "soul mate". We've been together 7 years now and had our civil partnership last year...she was delivered to me and I to her....

'Soul mate' is the most illogical thing ive heard even more than 'karma'; well, atleast in the big picture that our thoughts vibrate the universe, etc.

Basically what we call our 'soul mates' is the ones that we think we are fit with. Like a puzzle meaning from; likes, dislikes, ideas, thoughts, etc.

Thanks for asking.

Nope. I think I am a complete being who happens to get on quite well with some people and that getting on can develop into a deep emotional attatchment. Thats it.

Not so difficult to find that, is it?

Kind mabey my other half...I think that there is someone out there who I'm going to connect w/ better than anyone else. Someone who loves me completly and I love them back to- for no good reason- because that's how love works. Someone who understands me well enough to finnish my sentences for me, no matter how bizzare yet will somwhow complement me. I don't know where he is...I suppose he could be anywhere in the world...I might have already met him and just waved him off...Mabey we'll meet again. But i think that the amount of time people spend looking for thier soul mates is redicoulous- they'll come to you when you least expect it

I do not think soul mates exist.

I do not think love should be the basis for marriage.
Find someone you get along with, someone you can see sharing your life with in all of your human states.

Let love just be a bonus to an already amazing situation.

No, my soul mate is in here!

so u'l mate maybe thats why i cant find my sox

I know he is...and yes, soul mates could be anywhere in the world...that's why when we find them...we hold them close...

really have no idea.. but I hope so.. I hope so.....

I just don't wanna think about it for now. I'd like to wait for that person to come to me someday. :)

i think my soul mate was waiting for me at the airport while i was waiting for him at the dock.

of course they could be anywhere in the world. has anyone ever said they have to live in your town?

Thought I was wiht her, until she left the house and left me and the kids suffering. Well at least I have the house and the kids while she is out persuing her own pleasures. Filed for divirce...everyhting is just about settled. I have custody and the house. Its funny after 12 years at the drop of a dime how things change almost over night

its hard tot rsut anyone nowadays..even a souldmate...tehre are too many avenues in this world

No.I used to think they were out there,but gave up years ago.Some people are meant to go through life alone,and to constantly be searching for "The One" is a pathetic waste of time.

You are complete in yourself, altho' fragments of your soul are "out there", not necessarily in the body or on this planet. And no two are a perfect fit here, else there would be no lessons to learn from relationship.

If you believe we are all soul mates .

Somewhere. Yes, I do. Many of us die without ever meeting her; or him for the ladies.

She's out there all right, just like me. She's in the yard playing with animals right now. (Waves and smiles)


Mine is waiting for me somewhere. We'll probably meet in the nursing home.

In the meantime, I will enjoy life and make the most of it by myself. I learned a long time ago not to settle for the guy who is wrong.