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Question:Growing older is a given fact..growing up is optional?????

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Growing older is a given fact..growing up is optional?????

True. I grow older everyday, but I choose to not grow up completely!

Growing old affects a person but growing up is something a person can desire to do :)

Nice I like that question


so trew =)

Yep - that's true.

Oh , so very very true .

Yes yes yes


So true. So sad too.

people that are 90 can still be a middle schooler at heart (:

You can grow older but choose to never act your age.

True. Some people never really grow up.

TRUE.. you must know some immature mothafuckas to be asking this question... welcome to my world... LOL

well thats true.................and well said



Most men do not use growing up as an option. =)


Physically and technically I'm 18. I don't feel 18. At all. I still feel like I'm 15 or 16. I know when to be responsible and do the 18 year old stuff, but if I could, I would legally chang my age.

yes it is optional but many people would not like to kill them self to stop growing up. I wouldn't

not true

Indeed. All too often, chronology and maturity have very little correlation, if any at all.


not true due to the fact that through the years you may still act like a little kid u still do "grown up" stuff therefore proving the fact that u must grow up in at least one are such as family or jobs. u have to mature somewhat even if its just sexual maturity

haha! its so completely true

u will grow up at some stage of ur life, and u might not even relize u have, for ex. do u feel ur the same as when u were 5 year old for ex., growing up is not optional, u might think ur not growing up, but u r<<<<<<

true i know many older people that are still acting like thy did when they were much younger

completely true , nice phrase .

When you say growing older it means that you are incresing in the number of years, which so long as you are alive you can't keep it from being so.
Growing up means another thing. Mainly it is that you become an adult and mature. Now you can grow older many years but don't grow up because your mentality does not develop as it should . For growing up there is no fixed rule for everyone for everyone grows up and matures different from another one. So I deduct that growing up is not optional in the sense that you can't directly choose to be an adult or mature.
This is a result of your development, mentally and not physically, your values and a sound mind.

they both go and hand and hand. this is because of experience.
An older person then you are may share some of the same knowledge you have but they have more experience.
It is the understanding of what the knowledge is.
You can say l know all about drugs, but unless you have an experience with this your knowledge on things mean nothing.

Absolutely! And I hope I never grow up.

totolly optional

True. Age doesn't guarantee maturity.