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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is the law of attraction really an universal principle or just new age gibberish

Question:...isn't it amazing how some writers get wealthy by making huge occult bubbles?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ...isn't it amazing how some writers get wealthy by making huge occult bubbles?

Just go backwards and have a look on Eve and the apple (medium evil/snake)

God spoke to the snake: From now on thou shalt crawl and in the meantime if you studied newspapers it has been proved by excavations that there were snakes with legs once - archaeologists found such a species Report It

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  • Tara's Avatar by Tara
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  • I think the law of attraction is universal .. and always has been.

    The law of attraction is pretty much the same as you get what you send or, what goes around comes around.
    This has just been packaged into a pretty package neat for marketing.

    I believe that the law of attration is very real. We attract through pheromones and that is a true fact.

    Like any other good philosophy, the law of attraction has truth to it, and people making money from it.

    It's a rule of thumb and there is a degree of justice involved. There are many forms of the rule like "He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword." Next time pls ask the Q w/o insulting anyone generically or in time, what you are now giving out will be given back to you because you have attracted it. Peace.

    Last night I saw Tavis Smiley interview Louise L Hays and she spoke about another version of the Law of Attraction. She called it the " Bommerang Effect!" see-->

    And see--->

    There is something like the "law of attraction" but it's deninitely not the way it is decribed under this title. Yes, mostly it's a New Age gibberish, as you've put it.


    There's no damn genie handing stuff out but...

    Desire IS what makes it all happen.

    Humans are just naturally social. When one of us has a powerful dream, it does attract the aid and sometimes even the allegiance of others.

    AND, as predators we DO look for signs of weakness. A kid expecting a beating WILL attract the bullies.

    AND, the placebo effect is well documented. Sugar pills & talismans do channel the faith that activates our intrinsic power to heal.

    So I'm still an Empiricist. But I do see what's getting the Rationalists all spun up.

    The law of attraction is a universal principle, so universal in fact that almost everything in nature follows that very same principle. From a male butterfly displaying its colorful patterns to get the attention of its female counterpart, to a male canary serenading the lady who is the object of its desire, to the gravity that keeps everything in our world in their proper places, to the galaxy that its solar systems do not go haywire and collide with its other.

    It's all in the eye of the beholder

    There are laws of nature and they are determining factors in our life. The law of attraction is one of them.

    ..if it has become topic of discussion then they are successful ...for people like me it has become a matter of know whether law of attraction really an universal principle or just new age gibberish.

    I beleive it's universal, yes, it is the same as what goes around comes around.
    I see evidence of this in my life every day, positive and negative. And there is someone close to me, (but not in my house) all she expects is for her life to be negative,so that's what she gets, she says she wants it to change, but does nothing to make it happen.

    I find it to be true in my life. What's more, I feel like I hear the same thing with very subtle differences from every major religious figure we have ever had. The idea of prayer, God helps those who help themselves, focusing on the positive - even the folks who talk about our emotions and thoughts affecting our health and people curing themselves with laugh therapy. It does have some validity and the more you focus on it and use it, the more validity it seems to have. Fascinating!
