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Position:Home>Philosophy> Which virtue is the most valuable?

Question:In my view, it is the balance between self-esteem and humility that anchors all virtues and in the absence of which, every virtue runs the risk of becoming counterproductive.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: In my view, it is the balance between self-esteem and humility that anchors all virtues and in the absence of which, every virtue runs the risk of becoming counterproductive.

Shhh !!


Fidelity. To remain steadfast and true to a cause at times, when all other paths seem less hazardous and harsh.

Fidelity to ones own need, aims and end.

Fidelity, the ability and strength of character, and moral courage to adhere to ones convictions and beliefs at a time all others are discarding values, and ridiculing believers.


First you need to define what virtue means to you.

It seems to mean different things to different people. From one perspective something may be seen as virtue, but from a different perspective it could be seen as a vice.

On wall street making a profit at any expense is seen as a virtue. Yet from the perspective of those who this greed often takes advantage of it is seen as what it is, Insatiable greed based in insecurity.

Love and blessings Don


Don has a good insight. What seems a virtue, let's say determination, can be destructive if you are determined to carry out a war for no good reason. In other words virtues and vices are relative to time, place, and circumstances. I like the 4 cardinal virtues of prudence, fortitude, temperance, and justice,
with the three theological virtues of faith, hope and charity. I think they're all equally important.

i dont know if this is what you asking, but i believe independence is the most valuable virtue. that and good will. hope that helps.

Helping others is virtue, hurting others is sin, in thoughts or deeds! Being in this way is most valuable, the greatest of virtue if you consider others as including plants animals and all elements of physical environment(earth,water,air,space,light) also in addition to people!


How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? calling a tail a leg doesn't make it an additional one. Does it?
-Abraham Lincoln quotations

Being TRUTHFUL is above everything, being good or bad.
So, truth is the virtue above other virtues.

Virtue is the better part of valor.

What is most valuable for one person may not be so for another. Too many variables.
Individual interpretation of virtue may result in one aspect being good for one person, and yet a liability or negative for another person. For me personally, I believe compassion for my fellow-beings, empathy, respect for others, exercising good manners and appreciating my family, all rank up there pretty close to the top.

How about equanimity, non-attachment no matter what!