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Position:Home>Philosophy> The role of logic and emotions in business?

Question:which of u think require more in business world? should we take decisions totally based on logically or emotionally or may be both (balance them) and if u balance them how can u carry on both?
ur suggestions and views needed!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: which of u think require more in business world? should we take decisions totally based on logically or emotionally or may be both (balance them) and if u balance them how can u carry on both?
ur suggestions and views needed!!!!

I would like to see how you can separate the two, the both come from the same place, I mean sure you can say that they are processed primarily in different areas of the brain but what you can not say is that they are done so in a strict fashion where by one is done more frequently than the other on the day to day level.
In a this scenario its like you are saying some problems are emotional and others are logical, all problems have solutions that are based on both the degree of which depends upon the circumstance but neither is completely separate from the other at any given time.

Logic....though you should trust in yourself....if you have a bad feeling, dont go for it.

Utility, Beauty, and trust...I think those are the 3 for a good something....iunno, though it is positive.

emotions first then logic... explain(emotion) , give advice(emotion) then fire(logic)...

Logic then emotion.

Logic is essential when it comes to business. First, pick the choice that are most logical, most profitable for you. And then emotion, business is networking and interacting with people, if you only use logic, you will appear heartless and that in turn will not favour your goals.

Thanks for asking.

First of all I think that it first depends on whether the job you're doing is in accordance with Who You Truly Are. Then, true emotions can be used. I think that it is important to make decisions based on who you truly are and want to be. Then your true emotions will be fused in any decision you make because whatever decision you make will be logically spinned with your heart behind the scenes

Business would be boring with just logic. We need emotions to give it the wild card feel. Also emotions are a great forerunner of creativity of business. All businesses need a creative edge to survive.

Strength, compassion and humor are said to be very useful in business. Strength is to make decisions, compassion to help others and get helped, humor supports all kinds of creativity. If one of these traits lack also in business, things become very much one sided.

If a person only uses logic (strength) and lacks compassion, this person can not build relationships and in that will loose in business. If a person only has compassion without strength this person can become the play-ball for his/her business partners and also this is not helpful. Strength without humor will reduce the range of creativity which would otherwise in a playfulness be available. Humor without strength makes you to an idiot. Humor without compassion makes you cynical.

Logic should control emotions, In bussiness emotion's role is or will be a one sided strategy thus they go togther, though one is secondary and the other primary.

Categories ,Categories, Categories! Logic and emotions are just epiphenomena of stories. A business person needs three kinds of narratives a board narratives about the vision of the business, a knowledge based narratives about the features of the products or services, and a dream based narratives explaining how the product or services satisfies customer desire.

Having logic and emotion is how most businesses get good reputations. You'll want to go to a company you think cares about you rather than a company that just wants your money but if you think about they all just want your money. Because they only care about you to get your money, it all amounts to money in the end, that's what business is for. And everyone wants a company that thinks rationally (you'd be suprised how few of THOSE there are .... because people tend to inhabit them...)