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Question:Can a robot be human, Are you a super thinking robot?
Is everyone around you a robot? Can it ever be possible??
We've already got asimo..

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Can a robot be human, Are you a super thinking robot?
Is everyone around you a robot? Can it ever be possible??
We've already got asimo..

No robot can be human. But that doesn't mean it's not possible for everyone around you to be a "robot". YOU NEVER KNOW...

No, humans have souls, objects and animals do not.

Maybe we are robots. Human robots. ro ro ro your bots. Lol. I just made a joke. RTFLMAO.

not by any real definition. A human is a specific primate mammal. It is a biological life form. A robot is not biological.

we did not have the tecnolegy for the robots

That would be problem of definition. What will happen in the future if robots are developed that are part biological or mostly biological. To say that humans have a soul, and nothing else does, is to place our race above all others. That is a large problem today. Many humans think they are above nature and are free to do as they please. In contrast some cultures and societies always felt they were care takes of the environment and nature. I feel that if we were more in tune with Mother Nature and less concerned with dominating it the world would be a much better place.

"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings"
Optimus Prime

I believe that every self conscious creature has the right to be considered a person and he has, to say, a "soul".
Even my religious side rebels at the idea that if a god created us he would have given the gift of eternal life just to humans and it would have denied it to any other eventual intelligent creature.
If one day (likely not too far away) we′ll develop artificial intelligence, there will be the people who will see it as a new source of slaves, other people who will see them as people with a different body.

I refuse to think that what really makes us "Humans" is something trivial like our genetic make-up: it is the capacity to understand, to love and hate that makes a person, not its DNA

robots cannot exist i forget why but i do remeber why we cant have AI either because intelegence is natural and cannot be copies by simple looking like an idiot if you want the whole philosophy read "Mind, Brains, and Science" by john searle

well it depends on your definition of a robot,i think your actually asking if a synthetic mind could be classed as a human.

i think no,humans are humans because they have free-will.that is what makes us sepearate from animals and computers
comps can only think within paramaters they have no imagination.

but if you read "dune" people in that know as mentants have trained thier minds to carry out thier every thought as a computerr would logical,cold and mathmatical.
also you should read cloud atlas that has syntheticlly made beings "assending" to have human inteligence through rouge thoughts and idea's

well a human thinks with brain and heart.............robot with a silicon chip...............i am not a robot and none of those arround me are either...............and a robot can never be human.............why...........just ask one robo if u can manage to find to love u........... u will know why

it depends on how your defining "human"
human is just a name for our species. so for what robot will be. if youre asking if it can have human-like qualities, either in looks or behavior, then i belive it can be.
but if it can actually be human, than no. it is a robot

The mind is personal the physical is impersonal it is a mere covering for the personal the mind. the scriptur even says if I would use the term in english or rather the phrase you are gods. God is personal not impersonal. god is not the sun or moon or stars nor man this is all matter and matter is arranged according to natural order the mind is not natural and only is subject in the physical to the matter world but can easlly choose to leave the physical it has this pricipled choice.One canot not die the body returns to earth is the earth dead? The mind has nknow form you assume it took form becaue you say I have one in my womb yet who put the mind in the womb? Was it develop by the physical? If so tge mind goes back to earth but you see the body as dust what part is the mind? One never dies you have the personal and impersonal form you are expanded in the impersonal form.