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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is "perfect"?

Question:Total acceptance of what is makes what is perfect. Idealism makes perfection impossible. Perfection is an illussion of sort...but what is not?
Perfection is an evil concept that leads to destruction. How can you apreciate or define the sweet if there was no bitter?
It is adverse and paradoxical at the same time. It is the beginning of prejudice and confusion.
Truth is the understanding of balance.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Total acceptance of what is makes what is perfect. Idealism makes perfection impossible. Perfection is an illussion of sort...but what is not?
Perfection is an evil concept that leads to destruction. How can you apreciate or define the sweet if there was no bitter?
It is adverse and paradoxical at the same time. It is the beginning of prejudice and confusion.
Truth is the understanding of balance.

People think perfect is someone rich, talented, beautiful and popular. Perfect is nothing, nobody is that word. People should band that word, only snotty peole use that word. This "Perfect" word is just a sad word for people who think their perfect. Ver sad for those people.

stasis, lack of motion. not even corpses are perfect human beings because they are alive with trillions of microorganisms doing the job of decompostition.

Human body created by nature is perfect. but the human does not know how to use it.

Everything but humans!

a standard, often unachievable, by which something could not be better or be improved. The problem is determining an objective, as versus a subjective, standard.

nothing is perfect as far as i know..................the universe is perfectly imperfect in some aspect or other.............

a circle.

i nearly forgot, if you want the definition of the word itself:

Perfection is something I am truly atheist to because perfection is a fictional word… and something that I truly fear. not even light runs in a perfect line. Perfection denies the laws of physics.