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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is peace and is it possibel?

Question:i came apon thgis question in my find today as i watch an and pile for about a hour i watch as they be havesd and imagined they where humans wouldnt taht be peice ??? i dont know working to a ultimat goal evry one doing their job for the good of the colony??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i came apon thgis question in my find today as i watch an and pile for about a hour i watch as they be havesd and imagined they where humans wouldnt taht be peice ??? i dont know working to a ultimat goal evry one doing their job for the good of the colony??

Dictionary meaning of peace:
1.the normal, nonwarring condition of a nation, group of nations, or the world.
2. (often initial capital letter) an agreement or treaty between warring or antagonistic nations, groups, etc., to end hostilities and abstain from further
3. a state of mutual harmony between people or groups, esp. in personal relations
5. cessation of or freedom from any strife or dissension.

There will never be peace. And what you mentioned are correct, those are the few factors that there cant be peace.

Everyone have different aspect, perspective, intellect, ways of dealing things, and persona. When people are faced with a question that does not necessarily have a correct answer but a few ways of dealing, there is no chance that everyone will choose the same path. And when it comes to choosing the path for your own people, it gets even worse, because the path finders will conflict each other because they think their path is the right path. Even though there will be a one person who dictate, the doesnt guarentee that others will not object.

I personally find world peace impossible, but i do find peace within ourselves that are governed by our mind possible, which means we can achieve peace for ourselves.

It is possible, the world just has to learn it.

Do you think those ants were truly happy in the sense that we are? We would have to have some small brains to act like that, don't you think? Just doing because we are compelled and have no reason to question? Sounds like a pretty dull existence. No art, music, science to help make our resources more efficient, no sex, no love, no hope for a better life. Where can I sign up?

Not to mention we would still be food for higher organisms.

When I read such yinglish I forget the ones that I learnt at school. Some call this error as dislexick.
Peace, every body turns around for peace looking every where and yes they do turn into pieces themselves.
Just look at the source the right one, when Jesus Christ was born 2000 years before, it was announced Peace on Earth goodwill to Man. He is the very source of peace, only then can you really have the peace that you are seeking and not turn to pieces.

Please use better spelling that was very hard to understand. people aren't ants, and ants wage war as well. I hope we can achieve peace but I think it is in our genetics to wage war.

I don't believe universal peace is possible. I think we can achieve stability and a degree of harmony, but not without some exercise of force and power.

I am almost 67 years old and there has never been peace in my lifetime. Someone has always been at war with someone else--often undeclared wars. I am also a veteran of a war.

I believe if all people in positions of power had the ability to understand what people feel and need and would put off selfishness there could be peace, but that will never happen. Many people in power are inherently selfish, and much war is the result of selfishness.

I think it is a nice ultimate goal. I don't know if we will ever see it.

what is peace?

peace is no harm between people physically and mentally, no conflict between people, and the harmony between everyone.

is peace possibel?

yes peace is possible.but people admit defeat before they even try.peace just takes time.never say never.

Peace is tolerance of others. Peace is absence of war. We war for greed and perceived peace means lack of greed and differences. Peace is many things.

Our vision needs to be world-embracing. Achieving planetary peace is possible. Just because we haven't done it yet doesn't mean we cannot do it, though not likely in our lifetime. Peace begins when we understand the oneness of humanity and all that implies about our thoughts/vision, purpose and action. Humans have successfully advanced, though not painlessly, from unity of clan to tribe to village to town to city to city-state to empire to nation. Judging from humanity's past experience, it would appear that planetary unity is the next inevitable stage of unity. The technology to underpin it already exists. By no means will it be easy or painless, but there is no reason to believe it is impossible.

It is possible if all religions agree that the other is right.